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Ozone does not create nitric acid. Nitrogen plays a very big part in the formation of ozone, and if water vapor gets stuck in the middle of ozone formation, various NOx compounds are formed.

Corona discharge makes more of *everything* than most UV systems, because the energies are much higher. If there is water vapor present NOx is made, regardless of method.

The issue for "spa" systems is no one dries the air fed to the ozone system, and the clearances in a UV system are huge. So the nitric acid gets fed straight to the spa water, whereas in the corona discharge system it stays and gunks up the small gaps involved.

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2mo ago

Ozone does not directly create nitric acid. Nitric acid is formed when nitrogen oxides (NOx) react with water in the atmosphere. Corona discharge does generate more nitrogen oxides, including nitric acid, compared to ultraviolet light due to the higher energy levels involved in the process.

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Q: Does Ozone create nitric acid specifically does corona discharge create more nitric acid than ultraviolet?
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