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No, the atomic number does not change when an ion is formed. The number of protons does not change when an ion is formed, so the Atomic Mass would not change.

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Q: Does the atomic number changes when an ion is formed?
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Does the atomic number of the element change when its atom forms ion?

No. Atomic Number is defined as the number of positive protons, and when a ion is formed(irrespective of cation or anion) only negative electrons will be lost or added hence the proton number is constant.

When an atom changes into an ion besides the number of electrons what changes?

The electrical charge; also the ionic radius is different from the atomic radius.

The atomic number of a compound indicates the?

The atomic number refers to the number of proton in a particular atom. As a matter of fact, number of proton = number of electrons in an atom. The number of electron changes as the atom forms ion.

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Chloride is an ion. It doesnt have a atomic number.

What is the atomic number for flouride?

Fluoride itself is not an element. It is the ion formed by the element fluorine. The atomic number of fluorine is 9.

What is the atomic number of ion?

Iron is a meta element. Atomic number of it is 16.

Do the atomic number for an ion differ from its neutral atom?

no. atomic number will be same as the number of protons will not change for an ion and its neutral atom, but the number of electrons will vary.

How many protons are in an ion?

The number of protons present in an ion is equivalent to its atomic number.

The ion that is a single proton?

H-1. Hydrogen has only one proton and electron; if this electron is removed a hydrogen ion is formed - effectively a proton.

What is the atomic number of al ion?

Iron is a metal element. Atomic number of it is 26.

What is the identity of an ion with an atomic number is 16 and mass 33 and 18 electrons?

The ion with an atomic number of 16, mass 33 and 18 electrons is the sulfide ion S2-

How do you determine the number of protons in an ion?

Determine the atomic number(s) of all the element(s) in the ion, then multiply these atomic numbers by the number of atoms of the corresponding element in the formula of the ion, and add the resulting products to obtain the number of protons in an ion.