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the atmosphere moves around the planet Earth. If you still believe in the Bohr atom, that was revised a century ago. We now know that electrons are NOT like little planets in orbit around a nucleus playing the role of the sun, they are more like clouds, they surround the atomic nucleus without actually orbiting around it, as a cloud. Electrons can have any location and any size and shape that the electrostatic forces give them.

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2mo ago

Electrons move about the nucleus of an atom in a way similar to planets orbiting around the sun in a solar system. This motion is governed by the attractive force between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons, much like the gravitational force between celestial bodies in space.

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13y ago

insects fly around a lamp at night.

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Q: Electrons move about the nucleus of an atom in the same way that of as what?
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Do all electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom at the same level?

No, the electrons orbiting an atom have multiple levels.

Are the number of electrons in the nucleus of an atom that element's atomic number?

There are no electrons in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons are in the orbitals around and outside the nucleus.There are no electrons in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons are in the orbitals outside and around the nucleus.

What is in the nucleus of an atom and has no electrial charge?

The same number of protons as the atom has electrons in its outer shells.

Is the center of an atom neutral?

The nucleus of an atom is positively charged. The electrons that orbit the nucleus are negatively charged to exactly the same degree, which makes the atom neutral.

Which is first atom or element?

An atom is a single nucleus with surrounding electrons. An element is one or several atoms with the same number of protons in the nucleus.

An atom has the same number of which two particles?

An atom has the same number of electrons and protons. Protons are positively charged particles found in the nucleus of an atom, while electrons are negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus.

How many electrons orbit the nucleus if the atom has no charge?

If the atom has no charge, it is neutral, meaning the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. This is because protons carry positive charge and electrons carry negative charge, balancing each other out in a neutral atom.

Where the charge is in an atom?

In the nucleus of an atom are the protons and neutrons. The neutrons have no charge. Whereas the protons are positively charged - this makes the nucleus of an atom positive. Orbiting the nucleus are electrons - negatively charged particles. There are the same number of electrons orbiting the nucleus as there are protons in the nucleus: this makes the atom neutral. Hope that helped :)

What number of an element can be used to determine the number of electrons in an atom?

The atomic number of an element can be used to determine the number of electrons in an atom. It is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which also corresponds to the number of electrons in a neutral atom.

What does the atom of?

An atom has a nucleus composed of protons and usually neutrons as well (there is only one kind of atom which has no neutrons, which is the hydrogen 1 isotope) and it also has electrons surrounding the nucleus, with the same number of electrons as the number of protons in the neutrons.

How can you use atom electron nucleus and electron cloud in the same sentence?

The atom's nucleus contains protons and neutrons, while electrons are found in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus.

How many electrons do protons have?

Protons do not have electrons. Protons are positively charged particles found in the nucleus of an atom, while electrons are negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus. Atoms have the same number of protons and electrons to maintain electrical neutrality.