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riping paper, drawing on paper , washing clothessss there all reversible so they are physical changes not chemical

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3mo ago

An example of a physical reaction is the rusting of iron when exposed to moisture and oxygen in the air. This reaction causes the iron to form iron oxide, a reddish-brown compound known as rust, changing the appearance and properties of the iron.

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9y ago

Putting air into a Basketball is an example of a physical reaction. Crushing ice is another example.

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What is a physical reactions?

Answer:A physical reaction is a reaction whereby a new substance is not formed and is reversible.For example,folding of paper. Unlike a physical reaction,a chemical reaction is a process whereby a new substance is formed and is not reversible.For example,burning of paper.

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Chemical. It is called combustion.

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A chemical reaction, and also a reaction in general.

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Nucleation is a physical reaction that is best explained using the example of Mentos in Coke. More information on the reaction of nucleation can be found on websites such as Wikipedia and Wise Geek.

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Melting of ice with salt is example of physical change as there is no chemical reaction involved .

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An example of bending a chemical reaction could be using a catalyst to speed up the reaction or changing the reaction conditions to favor the formation of a particular product. Another example could be altering the reactant concentrations to shift the equilibrium towards the desired product.

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It is a physical property not a reaction

What is the definition of physical reaction?

A physical reaction is the way you physically react to something or someone. An example would be if you do not like onions and you see someone eating onion rings you might turn your head and say yuck.

Is fizzing is an example of physical change?

Fizzing is the result of a chemical change - a chemical reaction with gas releasing.

Is burning a physical Change changes?

It's an exothermic reaction (oppose to an endothermic reaction). It's combustible reaction, (this is an example of chemical reaction) where a substance must combine with oxygen to produce, heat and light; or Burn.

Can you example of reaction time in physical fitness?

Most certainly, if one is unfit in body or mind their reaction to any situation can be seriously affected.

Is a slushy a chemical reaction?

No. A slushy is a physical reaction. The mixture is frozen, therefore it is a physical reaction.