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parallel spins

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The same spin.

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Q: First three electrons that enter p orbitals must have what?
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Does nitrogen have two electrons in its outer p orbitals?

no, it has three p electrons

If three electrons are available to fill three empty 2p atomic orbitals how will the electrons be distributed in the three orbitals?

One electron in each of the three p orbitals (Hund's rule)

How many half filled orbitals are in a arsenic atom?

Arsenic has three electrons occupying the three 4p orbitals in its valence shell. Hund's first rule tells us that they will each occupy separate orbitals before they start to pair up. So there are three half-filled orbitals in an arsenic atom.

How many electrons are found in each sublevel?

Multiply the orbitals in that sublevel by 2. The s sublevel has one orbital and can contain 2 electrons. The p sublevel has three orbitals and can contain 6 electrons. The d sublevel has five orbitals and can contain 10 electrons. The f sublevel has seven orbitals and can contain 14 electrons.

How many 2p orbitals are there and what is the number of electrons they can hold?

There are three 2p orbitals and each can hold a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins, for a total of 6 electrons. This is true of the p sublevel in any energy level, except for the first energy level, which does not have a p sublevel.

What a maximum of eight electrons can occupy the first shell?

the first shell (the K shell) can only contain a maximum of two electrons, as it consists of just an s orbitalthe second shell (the L shell) can contain a maximum of eight electrons, as it consists of an s orbital and three p orbitalsthe third shell (the M shell) can contain a maximum of eighteen electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, and five d orbitalsthe fourth shell (the N shell) can contain a maximum of thirty two electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, five d orbitals, and seven f orbitalsthe fifth shell (the O shell) can contain a maximum of fifty electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, five d orbitals, seven f orbitals, and nine g orbitalsetc.

How many p-orbitals are occupied in a Ne atom?

All three 2p orbitals (2px, 2py, 2pz) are occupied by two electrons each.(6 electrons in total: (2px2, 2py2, 2pz2) = 2p6)

How many orbitals does sulfur have?

Sulfur has three electron orbitals. The first orbital contains 2 electrons, the second contains 8 and the third contains 6.

How many unpaired electrons does phosphorus have in its 3p sub level?

3. Orbitals are filled one electron at a time, putt ting electrons into the lowest energy orbitals first. When there are degenerate orbitals ( having the same energy e.g. p and d orbitals) they tale one un paired electron each first and then and then any extra electrons are added into a half filled orbital to make a spin pair. P has a configuration of [Ne] 3s2 3p3 and there are only three p orbitals ( at any energy level)

How many orbitals are in a p subshell?

6 electrons in 3 orbitals of p-sublevel: px, py and pz

How many valence electrons are in N2?

The third energy level contains one s orbital and three p orbitals.

What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the 2p sublevel?

The maximum number of electrons in the 2p sublevel is 6. The p sublevel has three orbitals, each of which can take two electrons.