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All the three states of matter are represented by the halogens.

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Q: Halogens are only found in nature as what?
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What are found uncombined as monatomic species in nature?

Halogens are found in nature as a monatomic species ex. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Flourine, Chlorine, Bromine, ect.

Why are halogens found in nature only in coumpounds?

Halogens such as fluorine or chlorine are HIGHLY reactive; they always undergo chemical reactions with other elements to form compounds. It's almost impossible to find pure samples of any halogen gas.

Did halogens frequently occur in nature as free elements?

Yes, the halogens did occur in nature as free elements.

Why can't the halogen group be found free in nature?

It is because halogens are some of the most reactive elements in existence Every atom wants to have a full valence outer shell. Halogens are only missing one electron to have a full valence shell. So either they are diatomic halogens such as chlorine which never is singular it is either Cl2 or mixed with other elements.

What are facts about halogens?

not found free in nature they exist as separate diatomic molecules they produce salts known as halides

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minerals are only be found in nature?

Is all the elements on the periodic table found in nature?

Absolutely not. The vast majority are found in a combined state in nature. Iron is not found as metal but always as an ore of mixed oxides etc. The halogens and all group 1,2,3 metals are always found combined etc.

Does halogens have high or low reactivity?

Halogens have highreactivity.

Similar for all halogens?

There are five halogens found. All of halogens are non metals. Similar thing for all of them is they are non metals.

Where are following found on the periodic table halogens?

halogens are in group 17 and found on the far right corner of the periodic table to the left of the noble gases

What is the main element that combines with almost all of the other elements?

Alkali Metals, Alkaline-Earth Metals, and halogens are never found in nature uncombined.

Why Oxygen is react more slowly than halogens?

Oxygen does not react more slowly than all of the halogens, just some of them. Plus, the rate of a reaction depends on its nature, not just whether oxygen or a halogen reacts. when the halogens do react faster, this is because they only need one electron to have a stable configuration, whereas oxygen needs two.