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sodium gives one electron to form sodium cation.

chlorine accepts one electron to form chloride anion

sodium chloride consists of an array or sodium ions and chloride ions

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Q: How can an atom of sodium an atom of chlorine form a molecule of sodium chloride?
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What is in a NaCl atom?

A molecule of NaCl (Sodium chloride) is comprised of Sodium and Chlorine.

What is the ratio of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has a 1 to 1 ratio of its constituent atoms, sodium and chlorine. Sodium chloride, table salt, is a two-atom molecule. One atom of sodium is bonded to one atom of chlorine. The two atoms have combine to make a molecule of salt in a one-to-one ratio.

How does sodium atom and a chloride atom combine?

A sodium atom has one electron outside a closed shell, and a chlorine atom lacks one electron to fill a shell. A sodium chloride molecule forms by ionic bonding, the ionization of sodium and chlorine atoms and the attraction of the resulting positive and negative ions.

Does sodium chloride contain molecules?

Sodium Chloride is a molecule. A molecule contains 2 or more atoms. Each molecule of Sodium Chloride contains 1 sodium atom and 1 chloride atom.

What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

Which atom in sodium chloride is reduced?

The chlorine atom.

What kind of particle makes up NaCl?

NaCl is composed of Sodium (Na) atoms and Chlorine (Cl) atoms.There is 1 atom of Sodium and one atom of Chlorine per Sodium Chloride (NaCl) molecule.

Why is sodium chloride not organic compound?

A molecule is a grouping of more than one atom. Sodium chloride contains a sodium atom and a chlorine atom. It's also called a compound because the two atoms are from different elements.

What kinds of bonds occurs when an atom of sodium joins an atom of chlorine to form sodium chlorine?

Sodium chloride has ionic bonds.

What would happen if a sodium atom and a chlorine atom came into contact?

They combine to make sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt.

How many atoms are in halite?

Halite is sodium chloride, NaCl; NaCl has in the molecule two atoms: 1 Na atom and 1 chlorine atom.

How many chlorine atoms are present for every atom in a hydrogen chloride molecule?

There is 1 hydrogen atom and 1 chlorine atom in Hydrogen Chloride.