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Q: What is the ratio of sodium atoms to chlorine atoms?
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What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

What is the ratio of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has a 1 to 1 ratio of its constituent atoms, sodium and chlorine. Sodium chloride, table salt, is a two-atom molecule. One atom of sodium is bonded to one atom of chlorine. The two atoms have combine to make a molecule of salt in a one-to-one ratio.

What is the ratio of sodium to chlorine to make salt?

The atomic ratio in this salt is 1:1. The mass ratio is 22.999:35.457 of sodium to chlorine, the ratio of the atomic weights of sodium and chlorine.

How do sodium and chlorine react to form sodium chloride?

When in elemental form, atoms of sodium lose electrons to atoms of chlorine, forming ions (this occurs in a 1:1 ratio). These ions are attracted by the electric difference between them and form a salt.

What Atoms in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride contains sodium and chlorine atoms.

What is ratio of sodium and chlorine?

In sodium chloride, the ratio is 1/1.

What is the ratio of atoms in table salt?

It is Sodium Chloride, so has the chemical symbol NaCl. This means that for each atom of Sodium, there is one atom of Chlorine.

How many atoms are present in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) contain two atoms: 1 sodium and 1 chlorine.

What types of atoms are in sodium chloride?

Sodium clhoride (NaCl) contain atoms of sodium and chlorine.

Is table salt made of two atoms of sodium and one atom of chlorine or one atom of sodium and one atom of chlorine or two atoms of sodium an two atoms of chlorine?

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What is the mass ratio of Na to Cl in sodium chloride?

The ratio mass of chlorine/mass of sodium is 1,5.

What type of bond holds sodium and cholride atoms together when sodium atoms interact with chlorine atoms?

When sodium atoms and chlorine atoms interact, the sodium atoms are converted to positively charged cations and the chlorine atoms are converted to negatively charged anions. The cations and anions to which the atoms have been converted are held together by mutual electrostatic charge attractions.