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As milk is a colloid,so particles must move in brownian motion(zig-zag motion)

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10y ago

The movement of the water molecules and air molecules under the surface of the milk.

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Q: How do the particles move in a glass of milk?
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yes it can the particles in the hot cocoa may seem to be moving a little slow but once you put heat to it, the moclecules starts to move faster and spread apart. hope this helped :)

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The particles in a liquid are able to move around and change its shape so you can pour it into a glass. It is very simple if you think about it.

What Is the force that acts on the particles of milk at the surface of a glass of milk?

I just did this science worksheet and its surface tension. Yeah. Hope I helped. Bye.

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When milk is churned the less dense particles of the milk move towards the axis of churning (i.e, they form the top layer)and the more denser particles of milk settles at the bottom. In a mixture, the sedimented particles(i.e., after decantation) is called precipitate but in the case of mixtures after churning the sedimented particles are called pellet.The less dense particles that are on top(liquid state)is called supernate or supernatant liquid.

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It floats because the water is heaver then the bottle. The bottle is light so it floats. No,It floats because the particles are free to move inside but with water in it there is not enough space for the particles to move so it floats.

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Glass of milk?

It depends on whether or not you are talking about a white opaque liquid.

How do particles move when they are heated?

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