

Best Answer
  • Suck on an ice cube for about 1 minute, then gargle warm water.
  • Drink a glass of water with lemon in it.
  • Eat some onion or garlic.
  • Drink a glass of milk.
  • Eat some plain crackers or unflavoured white breads.
  • Allow a spoonful or two of sorbet (any flavour you like) to melt in your mouth.
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Q: How do you neutralize the taste of mint?
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Something too neutralize salty taste in a curry?

try adding lime juice as it will neutralize the base

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eat cold sorbet with mint leave

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How can you neutralize the flavor of raw onion in a recipe?

cut up onion & saute it in butter until tender. that will neutralize the strong taste, but still add flavor

What property is acidity?

Acids can conduct electricity, have a sour taste, and bases will neutralize its properties. Bases can conduct electricity, feel slippery, and acids will neutralize its properties.

Is there anything to neutralize the salty taste in stuffing?

I don;t know, ask a chemist

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It tastes of Mint, strawberries and cream.

How do you neutralize the taste of lime in food?

If you are putting lime in food or have bought food with lime or lime juice in it, this is how you neutralize the taste: 1. Add spicy spices or a flavor clash to drown out the lime. 2. Add water. 3. Take the piece(s) of lime out.

What does menthol taste like?

Menthol taste like mint or a peppermint taste. it cools your throat but after a while they start to taste real gross

How to neutralize the Tamarind taste?

Increase chillie powder or pepper powder to neutralize the taste of tamarind in a dish. You can also use potato to reduce the taste of tamarind. You can also use some extra water. Small pinch of tamarind is enough for a dish.

Does a mint affect the taste of a chocolate milk?

Yes. Anything you put in a substance will affect the taste.