

How do you prepare 7 N sulfuric acid?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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7n h2so4

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Q: How do you prepare 7 N sulfuric acid?
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use the equation: NaVa=NbVb Where N is the normality and V is the volume. NOTE a is the original and b is what you're making. You would sove for Va

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The (N) stands for Normal. 1 Normal is 28 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid added to deionized water for a final volume of 1 Liter (L). 18 N is roughly a 50 percent concentration sulfuric acid.

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Mix 1 part 5,25 N H2SO4 with 4,25 parts water to obtain 1 N H2SO4.

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When someone says 0.2 N sulfuric acid what is meant by 0.2 N?

This means that one liter of the solution of sulfuric acid contains 0.2 gram-equivalent mass of sulfuric acid. For this acid, the equivalent mass is one half the molar mass, since each molecule of H2SO4 supplies two hydrogen atoms to neutralize alkaline materials.

Specific gravity equals 1.84 gram per milliliters and assay equals 97 percent How many milliliters of concentrated H2SO4 are required to prepare 10 L of 0.1 N H2SO4?

0.1 N means you have a hydronium ion concentration of 0.1 mole/L. Since sulfuric acid is a diprotic acid, you get 2 moles of ionizable protons per mole a sulfuric acid. Meaning, you only need a concentration of 0.05 M sulfuric acid to obtain 0.1 N sulfuric acid. [10 L] * [0.1 mole H+/L] * [1 mole H2SO4/2 mole H+] * [98.08 g/mole H2SO4] * [1 mL/1.84 g H2SO4] = 26.65 mL H2SO4 required to make 10 L 0.1 N H2SO4.

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The normality of 98 g of sulfuric acid in 500 mL of solution is 4 N

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How do make a 5.25N sulfuric acid solution from concentrated sulfuric acid solution?

con.H2SO4 is 98%(v/v)ie 980ml/litre.or 980X1.84(specific gravity of H2So4)ie wt/litre is 1803.2Normality= wt per litre/ Eq.wtie 1803.2/49=36.8 NHence con H2So4 is 36.8 NTo prepare 5 N , It has be diluted 7.36 times with water68