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The strength of an acid depends of the number of hydrogen ions in solution- the stronger the acid the more hydrogen ions there are in solution. Hydrogen ions in solution carry current, therefore the more hydrogen ions in the solution the more current there will be carried through solution.

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Q: How does acid strength affect electrical conductivity?
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What ions are responsible for the electrical conductivity in hydrochloric acid?

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To find out whether a substance is a metal, its electrical conductivity, and the acid-base character of its oxides are researched.

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When and acid dissolves, ions are released, and the more ions in the water, the more conductivity it has.

How is the strength of an acid measured?

for weak acids e.g lemon juice you would use PH strips dip it in the acid then the strip will change to a certain colour, you then hold this up against a colour chart for the best match. However if your talking about stronger acids I believe you pass an electrical current through it a low PH which equates to it being acidic would give a positive conductivity a high PH which equates to it being alkaline would give a negative conductivity.

What is the conductivity of Hydrochloric acid?

That's a difficult question to answer, because "pure" hydrochloric acid is a gas at room temperature, and the conductivity of a solution of hydrochloric acid depends on the concentration.

State two properties of an acid and a base?

Reactivity and conductivity.

Why does an acid dissociate in water?

To increase the efficiency of conductivity

Why does the molar conductivity of weak acid decrease as the concentration increases?

For a weak acid (or base), as the concentration increases, the % ionization/dissociation decreases. This leads to fewer ions in solution, and hence the molar conductivity decreases.

Why is the concentration of an acid different from the strength of an acid?


What is the difference in conductivity of concentrated and diluted acetic acid?

diluted is more conductive

How strong is acid?

The strength of acid depends on its pH really.

Is an acid or base better at conducting an electrical current?

An acid, as bases are less likely to conduct electrical currents