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Chlorine is very electronegative and pulls on the hydrogen's single electron, forming a positive end where the Hydrogen atom is, and a negative charge where the Chlorine is. This is because the Chlorine pulls much harder on the electron than Hydrogen does.

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Q: How does cl atom form a bond with a hydrogen atom?
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Would H and CI form polar covalent bond?

Yes, H and Cl can form a polar covalent bond. Hydrogen is less electronegative than chlorine, so the bond will have a partial positive charge on the H atom and a partial negative charge on the Cl atom. This results in a polar covalent bond.

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Why cl does not form hydrogen bonding?

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Why can't chlorine form a hydrogen bond if it's electron negativity is equal to the nitrogen?

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How do you form a ionic bond between k and cl?

Potassium donates its electron in the outermost shell to the chlorine atom in order to form the ionic bond.

Why hydrogen chloride does not form hydrogen bond?

According to the definition, to form a hydrogen bond, a bond with hydrogen and another element should have a higher value for electronegativity such as H-N, H-O and H-F. H-Cl does not meet with sufficient polarity to form a hydrogen bond.

What type of bond does Cl and Cl have?

Cl and F form ionic bond when they combine with metals and form covalent bond when combined with non-metals.