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Both stirring and heating increase the rate of dissolving

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Q: How does stirring and heating affect the solution?
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What can you do to make substances dissolve faster?

Heating the solvent, and mixing (or stirring).

What factors affect the rate at which a solid dissolves in water?

The most usual factors that affect the speed at which something dissolves are the temperature of the solvent, and any stirring of the solution that is being done. The relative quantity of solvent compared to solute is also an important factor, since there is only so much solute that will dissove before the solution is saturated.

How can you make a spoonful of salt dissolve faster in water?

By heating it, by stirring it, and by Shaking it

How does stirring affect rate of reaction?

So basically, when you stir a solution, it physically moves all of the chemicals around so the atoms of each are more evenly spread throughout the solution. imagine X represents one reactant, and Y represents the other reactant. Before stirring, they are mixed like this : X X X X X Y X Y X Y X Y Y Y Y Y After Stirring they are like this : X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y so more of the X molecules are next to more of the Y molecules so the reaction happens quicker.

Why should the solution in the polystyrene cup be stirred after each addition of acid?

Stirring the solution in a polystyrene cup after each addition of acid serves several important purposes: Homogeneity: Stirring ensures that the acid is uniformly distributed throughout the solution. This helps in achieving a consistent reaction throughout the entire volume of the solution. Even Reaction: The chemical reaction between the added acid and the solution's components relies on the contact between reactants. Stirring enhances the mixing of reactants, promoting a more even and efficient reaction. Temperature Distribution: The reaction between an acid and a solution can be exothermic, meaning it releases heat. Stirring helps distribute this heat uniformly, preventing localized hotspots that could affect the reaction rate or lead to inaccurate measurements. Accurate Measurements: When conducting experiments, particularly in laboratories, precise control over the reaction is essential. Stirring helps ensure that the reaction progresses consistently, aiding in accurate measurement of the amount of acid added and the resulting changes in the solution. Faster Reaction: Stirring can accelerate the reaction kinetics by increasing the frequency of collisions between reacting molecules. This is crucial for reactions that might be slow or require efficient mixing for optimal results

Related questions

What will affect both the rate of dissolving and the solubility of a solid in a liquid?

Heating or stirring will normally increase the rate at which a soluble solid dissolves in liquid. Heating will also normally increase the amount of solute that can be retained in solution.

What would INCREASE the rate of dissolution but not affect the solubility of salt in water stirring or heating it?

Stirring and heating improve the rate of dissolution and not affect the measured solubility at a given temperature.But I mention that the solubilty of solids is increased when the temperature increase.

What steps can you take to dissolve a solute in a solution in the shortest time?

Heating and stirring. Make sure your particle size is small.

How does stirring affect the rate at which a material dissolves in a solution?

Stirring increases solution ratestirring brings fresh parts of the solvent into contact with the solute and particles are forced to connect. (

What are the factors that affect how a solute dissolves in a solvent?

stirring or shaking the solution,crushing,heat energy,miscibility,immiscible

How will you increase solubility?

By stirring, heating, or adding more water :)

What do you use in stirring foods that are heating on the stove?

Wooden Spoon

How does heating affect the rate of solution?

It speeds it up. It also allows the solvent to hold more of the solute.

Would the temperature increase or decrease if you stir the solution after mixing?

Both stirring and heating increase the rate of dissolving

What can you do to make substances dissolve faster?

Heating the solvent, and mixing (or stirring).

What factors affect the rate at which a solid dissolves in water?

The most usual factors that affect the speed at which something dissolves are the temperature of the solvent, and any stirring of the solution that is being done. The relative quantity of solvent compared to solute is also an important factor, since there is only so much solute that will dissove before the solution is saturated.

What does the detergent and stirring do in the solution?

it helps it be more lively