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They are both Isotopes of Barium. The 56 protons tell us that the element is Barium and when you add the neutrons with the protons you get barium138 and barium134. They are both stable isotobes of barium but of all the barium in the world about 72% is barium138 and 2% is barium134.

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Q: How is an element with 56 protons and 82 neutrons related to an element with 56 protons and 78 neutrons?
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There are four protons. Also four neutrons and four electrons

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Iron-56 has 26 protons, 30 neutrons, and 26electrons.

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The isotope 56Mn has 25 protons, 25 electrons, 31 neutrons and a mass number of 56.

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54 protons 79 neutrons 54 electrons

How do you find neutrons and protons in an ion element for iron?

the protons will be the atomic number, in this case 26. The neutrons depends on which isotope. The most common isotope is iron-56, so that will have 30 neutrons. If the element is written in symbolic notation, the number on the top, minus the number on the bottom is the number of neutrons.

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A mass number is the sum of numbers of protons and neutrons in an atom. Therefore, an element with a mass number of 65 and 36 neutrons contains (65 - 36) or 29 protons and is therefore an atom of copper.

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50 electrons, 50 protons and 56 neutrons.

What atom had 26 protons 26 electrons and 30 neutrons?

Iron-56 or 56Fe 56 protons makes it iron. If you add the protons and neutrons, you find the mass, which is 56.

What element has a mass number of 138 and atomic number of 56?

The atomic number is the number of protons; 56. The mass number is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons, so 56+82=138. The element is barium, by the way, because of the number of protons.

What is the element with 26 protons?

The element with the proton number of 26 is Fe, which is Iron

How many protons neutrons and electrons does Molybdenum have?

For the commonest isotope there are 42 protons , 42 electrons and 56 neutrons. However, it has several naturally stable isotopes, they have, 50 neutrons, 52 neutrons, 53 neutrons, 54 neutrons, 55 neutrons and 58 neutrons. However, for all isotopes the number of protons and electrons remains the same, otherwise it would be a different element.

How many protons are needed for a element to be naturally radioactive?

Whether an ISOTOPE (not element) is naturally radioactive depends not only on the number of protons, but also on the number of neutrons. For EVERY element, there are radioactive isotopes.There has to be a certain relationship between the number of protons and the number of neutrons, but the relationship isn't a simple one.