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the number of valence electrons plus core electrons is the atomic number

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Lvl 15
3mo ago

The Atomic Number of a element refers to:

#1 ' The element's position in the Periodic Table.

#2 The number of protons in the nucleus.

#3 The number of electrons surrounding the nucleus, in the neutrally charged atom.

It does NOT refer to the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

The Atomic Mass is the sum total of all the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.



#1 ; position in the Periodic Table is '17'

#2 ; The number of protons is '17'.

#3 ; the number of electrons in the neutral atoms is '17'

However, it can have a different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus, either '18' or '20'.

The atomic mass of Chlorine is 17 + 18 = 35 (Chlorine-35 isotope)


17 + 20 = 37 ( Chhlorine-37 isotope).

Proportionally there is more of the isotope Cl-35 than C-37, so Chlorine has the atomic mass of 35.5 .

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11y ago

It isn't. The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element. In a neutral atom, it is also the number of electrons (total electrons, not just the core electrons).

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Itz Diorboy

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How the atomic number related to the core electrons?

For a neutral (uncharged) atom, the total number of electrons is equal to the atomic number (number of protons). This would be the sum of the core electrons plus the valence electrons.

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the atomic core charge of an atom is the same as the number of valence electrons in the atom

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subtract the group number from the atomic number

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Nitrogen has 2 core electrons and 5 valence electrons. If you remember, nitrogen has an atomic number of 7. When an atom is neutral it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Therfore, the overal number of electrons is 7. The definition of core electrons is, electrons in their most inner shell, On the other hand valence electrons are electrons in the outermostshell. When looking at a periodic table you see that there is a total# of 5 valence electrons. In order to figure out the core number you subtract the total number of electrons(atomic #) - Valence # of electrons. I hope this helped :)

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18(Atomic Number:19 minus the group number:1)19-1=18 core electrons

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Sulfur. It has six valence electrons. These six electrons plus the ten core electrons, 16, the atomic number (number of electrons or the number of protons [they are an equal amount because the positive and negative charges have to cancel each other out]). It is sulfur.

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Take carbon as an example.Carbon, indicated by it's atomic number, has 6 electrons. The number at the top of carbon's group is the number of valance electrons. Carbon has 4 valance elections.6 total electrons - 4 valance electrons= 2 core electrons in carbon=====================(try another element yourself to see this process )

What does the atomic number tell you besides the number of protons in one atom of an element?

There are three main parts to an Atom. The atom comprises of protons, neutrons, and electrons. The location of each are Protons and Neutrons at the core, and Electrons in the shell **oribits around the core.** Protons and Neutrons are equal in amount unless the atom/element is an isotope.

Does carbon have seven electrons?

No, it has six electrons because its atomic number is 6. Atoms are neutral, so it would need six electrons to counteract with the charge of the six protons. 2 core electrons and 4 valence electrons.

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Atomic size increases from top to bottom in a group due to increase in theshieldingeffect.As you go down the group shielding from core electrons increases (as more core electrons are added), therefore valence electrons experience weaker attraction forces from the nucleus and are located further away from it, resulting in an increase in size.If you move across a period the attraction between the nucleus and valence electrons increases because the number of protons and the number of valence electrons both go up whereas the number of core electrons stays the same (shielding decreases). In this case the size decreases.

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