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Atomic Mass is listed on the periodic table.

The molar mass of a substance is the mass of 1 mol (the SI unit for the basis SI quantity amount of substance, having the symbol n) of the substance. This has a numerical value which is the average molecular mass of the molecules in the substance multiplied by Avogadro's constant approximately 6.022×1023. The most common units of molar mass are g/molbecause in those units the numerical value equals the average molecular mass in units of u.

Conversion factor of average molecular mass to molar mass:molar mass = average molecular mass × ((1/6.022)×10-23g/u)×(6.022×1023/mol)ormolar mass in g/mol= average molecular mass in u

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1mo ago

The Periodic Table provides the atomic masses of each element, which are used to calculate the molar mass of a compound. By adding up the atomic masses of each element in a compound based on the chemical formula, one can determine the compound's molar mass.

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The atomic mass of an element is listed on the periodic table, generally below the name of the element. The molar mass of a molecule will be generally be the sum of the atomic masses of the elements that make up the molecule.

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To determine the molar mass of an element, you sum the atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule of that element. This involves finding the atomic mass of each individual element from the periodic table and adding them together based on the chemical formula. The unit for molar mass is grams per mole (g/mol).

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