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As many as 6

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Q: How many electrons are in the p energy level?
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How many electrons canbe held in the second energy level?

The second energy level (n =2 ) has 1 s orbtial, and 3 p orbitals. The s contains 2 electrons, and each p contains 2 electrons (for a total of 6 electrons in the 3 p orbitals). Thus, the second energy level can hold a maximum of EIGHT (8) electrons.

How many electrons completely fill the fourth energy level?

1s = 2 + 2s & p = 8 + 3s & p & d = 18 + 4s & p & d & f = 32 { close to binary } + = Total is 60 electrons.

How many subshells are there in the second energy level?

There are two subshells in the second energy level. There is the S subshell, which can hold 2 electrons, and the P subshell, which can hold 6 electrons.

How many electrons does phosphorus have in its outermost principal energy level?

The total number of electrons in Phosphorus (P) is 15 (its atomic number). The first energy level contains 2, the second energy level contains 8, and the third energy level contains 5.

How many 2p orbitals are there and what is the number of electrons they can hold?

There are three 2p orbitals and each can hold a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins, for a total of 6 electrons. This is true of the p sublevel in any energy level, except for the first energy level, which does not have a p sublevel.

How many electrons can each sublevel of the fourth energy level hold?

The fourth energy level can hold up to thirty-two (32) electrons.

What is the maximum number of p electrons that can exist in any one principle energy level?

6 p-shell electrons.

How many electrons can be placed in the second energy level?

8 electrons. The second energy level (n=2) has 4 orbitals. One s orbital and three p orbitals. Each orbital can hold 2 electrons of opposite spin.

How many electrons can be held in the second energy level of atoms and how can this be determined?

first energy level contains only S shell that can accomadate 2 electrons where as 2nd energy level contains S shell and P shell as well which can accomadate 2 and 6(3X2) electrons the answer is 8 for 2nd energy level. (or) No.of electrons in any main energy level = 2n2 Here n = orbit (or energy level) number In our question , n = 2 No.of electrons in 2nd energy level = 2(2)2 = 8

Give the symbol for a metal that has two p electrons in its outermost energy level?


What is the highest occupied energy level of Ba?

4 energy levels with 2, 8, 8, 2 electrons in the energy levels.

How many electrons can the p orbital in a given energy level hold?

6total 2 in px 2 in py and 2 in pz