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10 electrons.

The angular momentum quantum number is l (small L). This quantum number is dependant on the principal quantum number, and has values, 0 1,2 ..(n-1), where each value of n refers to a subshell known to chemists as follows

n= 0, s orbital; n=1, p orbital; n= 2, d orbital; n= 3, f orbital.

So we are looking at the d orbitals.

There are five d orbitals, with magnetic quantum numbers running from -l to +l, that is -2, -1, 0, +1, +2

Each of these can hold 2 electrons (with spin quantum numbers -1/2, +1/2)

So we have 10 electrons that can have pricipal quantum numbers of 4 and angular monmentum quantum number of 2.

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