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Q: How many electrons do the elements in the Beryllium family have in their electron dot diagrams?
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How many electrons do the elements in Group11A2 of the periodic table have in their electron dot diagrams?

they have 2

What elements have 5 electrons in their electron dot diagrams?

The elements that have 5 electrons in the dot diagram means that they have 5 valence electrons. These elements are found in group 5A. Elements include, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth.

Describe how electron dot diagrams can be used and why they are helpful?

Electron dot diagrams are used to represent electron sharing and can easily show how elements bond. The dots represent valence electrons and makes it easier to show students.

What elements reacts by losing one electron boron beryllium chlorine lithium?

Lithium, found in periodic table column 1. Beryllium usually loses two electrons, while boron and chlorine gain or share electrons in their reactions.

How many electrons are in a beryllium ion?

The beryllium atom has 4 electrons. As with all other elements, Beryllium atoms are most stable when they have a full outer shell of electrons. Since the neutral electron configuration of the beryllium element atom is 1s2 2s2 (total of 4 electrons) the atom either needs to pick up another six electrons, thereby becoming 1s2 2s2 2p6, or lose two electrons to become 1s2.

How many electrons do the elements in group IA of the periodic table have in their electron dot diagrams?

This is different for each period of group IIA in the P.T.Examples:Be in period 2 has 4 electrons, Ca in p.4 has 20and Ra in p.7 (down under in P.T.) has 88 electrons.The whole row: 4, 12, 20, 38, 56, 88 electrons, from top to bottom in group IIA

Why the electron affinities of beryllium and nitrogen are positive?

In general, elements attract electrons because they have positively charged nuclei, and although they also have negatively charged electron shells, the electrons are very mobile and they adjust themselves so that they have the minimum effect on other electrons while remaining as close as possible to the nucleus (a constant balancing act). The specific degree to which a given element will attract electrons is strongly influenced by the kind of electron configuration that the element has. Nitrogen, which can form a complete outer shell by acquiring another 3 electrons, has a much stronger attraction for electrons than beryllium has, since beryllium can more easily get to a complete outer shell by losing electrons than it can by gaining them.

How many electrons do beryllium and magnesium have in there outer energy levels?

Beryllium and magnesium have two electrons in their outermost energy level, as do all Group 2 elements.

Electrons for the first 5 elements?

Hydrogen- 1 electron Helium- 2 electrons Litium- 3 electrons Beryllium- 4 electrons Boron- 5 electrons Unless ionized, the atomic number of an element will say how many protons and electrons the atom will have.

What is the electron dot structure for beryllium difluoride?

The element beryllium has atomic number 4 and appears in the Group 2 column of the periodic table. It has two electrons in its valence shell (like all the other Group 2 elements), and we write it by using its chemical symbol (Be) and two dots like this: Be:

Does plutonium have a electron dot diagram?

Yes of course, electron dot diagrams can be drawn for all elements.

Which elements have the same number of valence electrons as beryllium?

For example calcium and magnesium.