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Q: How many grams of camphor are needed to raise the boiling point of 43.5 grams of benzene by 2.10 Celsius?
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Why is more heat needed to vaporize water than gasoline?

Gasoline has a less boiling point (72 degree Celsius) While water has a bigger boiling point (100 degree Celsius)

How do you use the word camphor in a sentence?

I needed to use camphor to kept the bugs away.

How many calories are needed to vaporize 1 gram of boiling water at 100 degrees?

540 calories are needed to turn one gram of water at 100 degrees celsius to steam.

What is the boiling of water in degrees celsius?

The amount of heat needed to boil water varies with the air pressure. Water in a vacuum will boil at room temperature.

How many calories are needed to change 1 gram of 100 degrees Celsius boiling water to 100 degrees Celsius steam?

This is the latent heat of vaporisation of water, which at standard pressure, is 539 calories (per gram).

Why is a catalyst not needed when benzene reacts with iodine chloride?


Is one hundred degrees Celsius is the boiling point water?

Yes, at normal atmospheric pressure - a higher temperature is needed at higher elevations. This is offset by some cooks at high elevations by use of a pressure cooker.

The water boils at what temperature?

100 Celsius or 212 Fahrenheit at sea level. As you go higher, the temperature drops as less force is needed to counter act air pressure. At 5000 feet above sea level (1524 meters) the temperatures are 95 C and 203 F.

Which of the changes boiling freezing and condensation is endothermic?

For boiling energy is needed, so it's endothermic.

How do you remove benzene from hexane?

Fractional distillation in a distillation column will remove benzene from hexane. The vapor-liquid-equilibrium data indicate that depending on initial and desired concentrations, multiple theoretical stages will likely be needed. See also vapor liquid equilibrium chart for benzene and hexane.

What is the point boiling of water?

The boiling point of water is 100°C, 212°F or 373.15 Kelvin under standard conditions at sea level (at one atmosphere of pressure).The boiling point of water and any other substance depends on the atmospheric pressure, which changes with elevation. At higher altitudes, the pressure is lower, and so water boils at a lower temperature. If the barometric pressure is not at the standard value, the boiling point will be different. For example, water boils at 72 degrees Celsius on Mount Everest.Under a partial vacuum water boils at room temperature. In space (a full vacuum) water goes directly from solid ice to gas without even melting or boiling, this is called sublimation.Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Celsius.The above answer is correct, provided you are at sea level. The higher you go the lower the temprature is needed to reach boiling. Getting a bit more technical, it also depends on the purity of the water you are boiling. Best we got in height school was around 97 degrees Celsius.

What is goals boiling and melting point?

Melting and boiling points are important characteristics of materials: they are needed in industry and in laboratory.