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Q: How much potassium chloride would dissolve in 100cm3 of water?
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What will you see when you dissolve potassium chloride with water?

Potassium chloride is soluble in water, so when you dissolve it, a colourless solution will be observed. I hope this helps!

What is the volume of 35.7g of sodium chloride in 100cm3 of cold water?

What is the volume of 35.7g of sodium chloride in 100cm3 of cold water?

What is the maximum amount of potassium chloride that can dissolve in 200 grams of water?

68 g of KCl ( => 2 x 34 )can dissolve in 200 g of water

What is the maximum mass of potassium chloride that will dissolve in 100 grams of water?

the solubility of potassium nitrate in 70 degreesCelsius water is about 134 g KNO3 per 100 g water

What changes can you make to potassium chloride to make it dissolve faster in water?

You could grind it into very fine crystals.

How many grams of KCl will dissolve in 100 g of water at 50 degrees Celsius?

100 g water dissolve 45,8 g potassium chloride at 50 o 0C.

Will 28g of any solid will dissolve in 100cm3 of water?

Not all the solids will dissolve in water. Different solids have different solubilities (some will dissolve more than others). The higher temperature, the more will dissolve

Will potassium chloride dissolve in acetone?

It is like 0.0024g of KCl per 100g of acetonitrile at 25oC. Link:

How do you prepare 1000 ppm potassium solution?

Dissolve 1,9 g ultrapure, dried potassium chloride in 1L distilled water at 20 oC using a volumetric flask.

Is sodium chloride and potassium chloride immiscible liquids?

Sodium chloride and potassium chloride are solids that are both miscible in water.

What are the effects of water in calcium chloride?

calcium chloride will dissolve in water

Can you explain what happens to the particles of potassium chloride when they dissolve in the water?

when particles of KCl are put in water, they dissolve because KCl being a polar ionic compound, its ions separate and in aqueous solutions, water molecules surround these ions with the partially positive hydrogen ions closer to the chloride ions and the partially negative oxide ion towards the potassium ion but the electron cloud is bigger on the side of the chloride ion since it's more electronegative and the attraction between the hydrogen and the chlorine and between oxygen and potassium becomes stronger than that between potassium and chlorine hence the two ions [potassium and chloride] are pulled apart forming ions in the solution