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C5h8 + 7o2 --> 5co2 + 4h2o

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Q: How should the combustion reaction c5h8 plus 02 co2 plus h2o be balanced?
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Answer this question… C5H8 + 7O2 5CO2 + 4H2O

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Is eraser an element or compound?

Sure.Erasers are made of rubber.Natural rubber is a polymer of Isoprene, which is an organic compound with the formula C5H8. Theoretically, since erasers are made of something that is a compound, then they should be considered a compound.

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The equation, including the catalyst for the hydration of 1-methylcyclobutene is: C5H8 + H2O + HX ---> C5H8OH + H2O.

How many hydrogen atoms are in a cycloalkene with one double bond and 5 carbon atoms?

The molecule is cyclopentene with molecular formula C5H8. So there are 8 hydrogen atoms.

What are structural isomers for c5h8?

The structural model of C3H8 should include bold and dashed bonds to show different planes. Bold is used for coming out of the page or screen and dashed is used for going away.