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The reason the Periodic Table was created in the first place was to illustrate the "periodic" physical properties of the known elements of the time. Because of this, the properties of elements that were "missing" from the table could be extrapolated from the periodic trends seen in the known elements.

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Q: How was the person who devised the first periodic table able to predict the behavior of elements such as gallium scandium and germanium that had not even been discovered yet?
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What did Mendeleev predict about the periodic table?

The gaps in the first periodic elements described those elements which were not discovered at that time. Eg-silicon,germanium etc

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What are the semiconduter elements in periodic table?

Mostly Silicon and Germanium.

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What elements did Dmitri mendeleev discover?

In 1869, a total of 63 elements had been discovered by. A few were gases. Two were liquids. Most were solid metals.

Are the element sin the periodic table the only elements discovered?

Yes. The elements in the Periodic Table are the only elements that have been discovered. However, we are still discovering and synthesising more elements.

Which metalloid is in the fourth period and same group as carbon?

In the Periodic Table, a group is a column of elements and a period is a row. The element in the 14th column and fourth row is germanium.

What were the three missing elements in the periodic table?

See "Mendeleev's predicted elements" in Wikipedia The answers are: scandium (Sc - 21), gallium (Ga - 31), technetium (Tc - 43), and germanium (Ge - 32) He temporarily named them to be: ekaboron (Eb), ekaaluminium (El), ekamanganese (Em), and ekasilicon (Es).

Why did Mendeleev leave blanks in his early version of the periodic table?

At the time the periodic table was first devised, there were many elements that had not yet been discovered. Their existence could be inferred, but they couldn't actually be put into the table until they were discovered.When the periodic table was first devised, there were lots of elements that had not been discovered yet.

Who discovered a pattern to the elements of the periodic table in 1869?

Demitri Mendeleev discovered a pattern to the periodic table in 1869.

What are the elements of a cola that can be found in your periodic table?

All of them, the periodic table has all of the elements the human discovered or made..