

Is chloroform liquid at 30 degrees C?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: Is chloroform liquid at 30 degrees C?
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At -63.5 degrees C chloroform becomes a solid and at 61.2 degrees C it becomes a gas. Therefore, at 80 degrees C, chloroform is a gas.

Is water a liquid at 30 degrees c?

Yes, water at 300c is quite warm and liquid.

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Mercury is liquid at room temperature up to 30 degrees

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At 30 degrees C, Bromine is a liquid.

Can chloroform be heated to ninety degrees celsius in an open container?

No chloroform can't be heated to ninety degrees Celsius in an open container. Heroin will be made if the chloroform dissolves colored impurities and settles to the bottom.

What products contain chloroform?

It contains Cl,H and C atoms. It is a colorless liquid.

Which is warmer -30 degrees celsius or -30 degrees Fahrenheit?


What is -30 degrees C in F?

(-30) degrees Celsius = -22 degrees Fahrenheit [°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32

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Liquid Oxygen becomes liquid at -183.0 C and solid at −218.79 °C

At 30 degrees what state is bromine in?

Bromine boils at 58-590 C and melts at -70C so at 300 C it is a fuming reddish brown liquid.

30 degrees C equals how many degrees F?

30 degrees Celsius = 86 degrees FahrenheitFormula: [°F] = [°C] × 1.8 + 32

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As Dodecane boils at 216 degrees C so, the answer must be below 216 degrees C as if it was 216 degrees C then it would still be a gas and not a liquid.