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The iodized salt and sugar in a container are a homogeneous mixture.

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This mixture is heterogeneous.

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Q: Is iodized salt and sugar in a container pure substances homogeneous or heterogeneous?
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Related questions

Is non iodized table salt a homogeneous mixture or a heterogeneous mixture?

Its not a mixture its a chemical compound

Are table sugar and table salt are pure substances?

Table sugar and table salt are a pure substances unless the salt is labeled iodized salt. Iodized salt is regular table salt with tiny amounts of an iodine compound added such as potassium iodide or sodium iodide. The iodine is added because many people have an iodine deficit which can lead to thyroid problems.

Is iodized salt an organic?

Iodized salt is not organic. It's inorganic.

Where can you buy iodized salt?

Does the Midwest use iodized salt?

why is iodized salt important to the midwest

Where does iodized salt come from?

Iodized salt comes from Iodine, a necessary micronutrient!

Is margarita salt iodized?

No margarita salt is not iodized. If it was the margarita would be fizzy.

Is iodized salt the worse salt to use?

Iodized salt is the best to use !

Advantages of iodized and non-iodized salt?

Iodized salt helps prevent goiter and mental retardation. The non-iodized salt helps maintain the color and texture of pickled food and it does not affect the taste of food when cooking.

What if iodized salt is boiled?

the temperature of boiling water that is mixed with iodized salt will decrease.

Is salt in UK iodized?

After the recommendation of WHO table salt must be iodized in all countries.

What is iodized?

Iodized means that iodine has been added to something. It is usually seen in table salt.