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Generally no, "compression" itself is not usually labeled a chemical process. However it can lead to chemical changes if the pressure increases enough. So it is a little bit of both.

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Q: Is the compression of oxygen gases a chemical process?
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Is electroplating physical or chemical change?

Chemical because it breaks apart the individual compounds on the molecular scale.

What chemical elements have a subscript of two?

All the gases except the Noble(Inert) gases, which are monatomic.

Is a burning a gas into exhaust fumes and other gases a chemical or physical change?

Because combustion (burning) produces substances with new chemical properties, this process results in a chemical change.

What is the chemical compound for air?

When you compress air it is a physical change, not a chemical change. so it is still 16% oxygen, 1% hydrogen, and 78% nitrogen. there is not a chemical formula for compressed air.

How is oxygen mined or produced?

Oxygen is already present in the earths atmosphere. Its presence is 21% in the entire composition of the atmospheric gases which comprises of many other gases and rare gases. The simplest way to generate oxygen is by the process of electrolysis of water. It is process in which controlled direct current (DC) is passed through the water through metal electrodes. The water is composed of one part of oxygen and 2 parts of hydrogen. By process of electrolysis the oxygen and hydrogen molecules are separated and released at the electrodes. Two molecules of hydrogen are released at the negative electrode and one molecule of oxygen at the the positive electrode. This can be collected by making appropriate arrangements to collect the gas. There are many other methods of generating oxygen, but electrolysis is the simplest one.

Related questions

Why cant humans respire gases other than oxygen?

Oxygen is a gas. In addition, gases other than oxygen are involved in the respiration process - such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

What 2 gases are important to human respiration?

The two gases primarily involved in the respiratory process are oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Body cells need oxygen to carry out?

the process of exchanging gases

Oxygen and nitrogen in water it a chemical or a physical?

Dissolution of gases in water is a physical change.

What 2 gases are recycled by the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

oxygen and carbon dioxide

What gases are released in resperation?

The process of respiration: Glucose + Oxygen --> Carbon dioxide + water

Is electroplating physical or chemical change?

Chemical because it breaks apart the individual compounds on the molecular scale.

What is chemical formula for oxygen?

The chemical formula for oxygen is O2 and for individual oxygen atom its symbol is O. Gases such as oxygen exist as diatomic molecules.

How do most animals receive oxygen and release carbon dioxide gases during the process of cellular respiration?

By the process of diffusion

How do you get pure hydrogen from water?

A chemical process called electrolysis can separate water into its constituent elements hydrogen and oxygen. The equation for the process is: 2H2O --> 2H2 + O2 It can be accomplished by running an electric current through water, and collecting the gases at a cathode and anode.

What's the process where gases are exchanged in the lungs?

Its called respiration. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide.

What role of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide in chemical weathering?

Oxygen causes oxidation reactions; carbon dioxide with water (as carbonic acid) dissolve minerals.