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No. Prefixes designating quantity are only ever used for other elements in the compound, never the first one. Example: Carbon Monoxide. The chemical formula is CO, and there is one Carbon atom, just as there is one Oxygen atom, but the Mono- prefix is only affixed to the Oxygen.

It should be noted, however, that such prefixes are not always used in chemical formulas. MgCl2 is not named Magnesium Dichloride, just Magnesium Chloride.

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Q: Is the prefix mono- used when naming the first element in a formula?
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No, you do not. The prefix -mono in front of the first element of a binary covalent compound is dropped. For example, if we take the molecular compound CO, we do not call it "Monocarbon Monoxide". It is called "Carbon Monoxide".

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That depends on whether it is an ionic or covalent compound. If ionic, the first element has the same name as the element or ion, e.g. NaCl is sodium chloride; NH4Cl is ammonium chloride. If the compound is covalent, then the first element either retains its original name or has a prefix to denote the number of atoms of that element. For example, CO2 is carbon dioxide; P2O5 is di phosphorous pentoxide.

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Almost always. Especially when there are more than one atom of the first element in the compound.

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No prefix is used if it is an ionic compound. If it is a binary molecular compound, the prefix mono- is not used in front of the name of the first element. For example, the ionic compound Na2O is sodium oxide, not disodium monoxide, and the molecular compound CO2 is carbon dioxide, not monocarbon dioxide.

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