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Q: To name a binary molecular compound you add the suffix -ide to the more ionic of the two elements?
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Related questions

What should the anion of an ionic or molecular compound end with?

ide is the suffix used for the ending anion of an ionic bonding.

What is the suffix of binary compounds?

Binary compounds generally end i with the suffix -ide.

What is the ending of an ionic compound consisting of two elements a metal and a non-metal?

Suffix -ide

What do names of binary compounds end with?

The second element's name is changed so that it ends in the suffix -ide.

What kind of elements are found in a covalent compound with a name ending with an ide suffix?

Going to assume Oxygen.

The suffix in the term menarche means?

There is no suffix in the word menarche. It is a compound neo-Latin word having two Greek elements: men- for month; and arche for beginning.

What is the rule used for naming a binary compound composed of a metal bonded to a nonmetal?

The first is the metal, the second is the nonmetal with the suffix -ide; ex.: sodium chloride.

In the binary ionic compound lithium iodide LiI which element forms anions?

The iodine. The suffix -ide in inorganic chemical names usually indicates an anion.

Is handful a suffix or compound word?

I think handful is a suffix (ful) is the suffix.

What is the chemical name of Rb Cl?

Rubidium chloride. The second element in a binary compound gains the suffix "-ide." Rubidium chloride is a combination of an alkali metal and a halogen, and is therefore a salt.

What is the compound name SeCl6?

Because it is covalently bonded and has only two elements, use the guidelines for naming binary molecular compounds. So you'll need to name the elements and use a prefix for each one to indicate the number of each. monoselenium hexachloride Allow the mono is considered implicit, so it is not needed. selenium hexachloride

Naming binary and oxyacids?

Binary and Oxyacids are named by identifying the number of hydrogen Ions found in the chemical formula.