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Borhium- Neils Bohr

Curium- Pierre and Marie Curie

Einsteiniun- Albert Einstein

Fermium- Enrico Fermi

Gallium- although named after Gallia (Latin for France), the discoverer of the metal, Lecoq de Boisbauran, subtly attached an association with his name. Lecoq (rooster) in Latin is gallus.

Lawrencium- Ernest Lawrence

Meitnerium- Lise Meitner

Mendelevium- Dmitri Mendeleev

Nobelium- Alfred Nobel

Roentgenium- Wilhelm Roentgen

Rutherfordium- Ernest Rutherford

Seaborgium- Glenn T. Seaborg

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Einstein has the element Einsteinium named after him.

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13y ago

The element rutherfordium is named in honor of Ernest Rutherford. It is not a naturally occurring element, and was synthesized in a nuclear reaction, but is unstable.

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Is Einsteinium named after Einstein?

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The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

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