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I suppose that dynamic equilibrium is the adequqte term.

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This process is called condensation. It occurs when vapor molecules lose energy and transition back into a liquid state by interacting with other liquid molecules at the surface. This can happen when the temperature of the vapor decreases or when it comes into contact with a cooler surface.

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Q: Process in which vapour molecules are recaptured by molecules at liquid surface?
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What is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state is called?

The process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state is called evaporation. This occurs when the kinetic energy of the molecules overcomes the intermolecular forces holding them in the liquid state.

Vaporization that occurs on and below the surface of a liquid?

This process is called evaporation, where molecules escape from the liquid's surface into the air. Evaporation occurs at temperatures below the liquid's boiling point.

Is the inward force among the molecules of a liquid?

The inward force among the molecules of a liquid is known as cohesive force. It is responsible for keeping the molecules together and creating surface tension in the liquid.

Does water changes from a liquid to a gas in the process of evaporation.?

Yes, evaporation is the process by which a liquid, like water, changes into a gas when heated. It occurs when molecules on the surface of the liquid gain enough energy to break free from the liquid's surface and become vapor in the air.

What is Changing of a liquid to a gas at the surface of the liquid?

The process of changing from a liquid to a gas at the surface of the liquid is called evaporation. This occurs when molecules at the liquid's surface gain enough energy to overcome the attractive forces holding them in the liquid phase and escape into the gas phase. Evaporation is influenced by factors such as temperature, surface area, and the vapor pressure of the liquid.

Related questions

What is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to a gaseous state?

The process is called evaporation. Molecules at the surface of a liquid gain energy from the surroundings, typically heat, causing them to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together. Once they have enough energy, these molecules transition to the gaseous state and escape from the liquid surface.

Why do you say that evaporation is a surface phenomenon?

Evaporation occurs at the surface of a liquid because it involves the conversion of liquid water molecules at the surface into water vapor molecules. This process requires energy to break the intermolecular bonds at the surface of the liquid, which is why it is considered a surface phenomenon.

What is the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state is called?

The process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state is called evaporation. This occurs when the kinetic energy of the molecules overcomes the intermolecular forces holding them in the liquid state.

Vaporization that occurs on and below the surface of a liquid?

This process is called evaporation, where molecules escape from the liquid's surface into the air. Evaporation occurs at temperatures below the liquid's boiling point.

Why do molecules at the surface of a liquid behave differently from molecules in the interior of the liquid?

Molecules at the surface of a liquid are not completely surrounded by other molecules like those in the interior, leading to unbalanced intermolecular forces that cause surface tension. This results in surface molecules experiencing a net inward force, pulling them back into the bulk liquid and causing distinctive properties at the surface.

What is evaporation process called?

The process of liquid changing into a vapor is called evaporation. This occurs when the molecules of a liquid gain enough energy to break free from the liquid's surface and become a gas.

Liquid changing to gas only at surface is called?

This process is called evaporation. It occurs when molecules at the surface of a liquid gain enough kinetic energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together and escape into the gas phase.

What is it called when the surface of a liguid turns to gas?

When the surface of a liquid turns into gas, it is called evaporation. This process occurs when the molecules at the surface of the liquid gain enough energy to escape into the air as gas.

Vaporaztion at the surface of a liquid that is not boiling is?

Evaporation is the process where molecules at the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to escape into the gas phase, even when the liquid is not at its boiling point. This results in the slow transition of liquid into vapor.


Evaporation occurs when molecules at the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to escape into the surrounding air as a gas. This process is influenced by temperature, surface area, and humidity. As the liquid loses molecules to evaporation, its temperature decreases.

Is the inward force among the molecules of a liquid?

The inward force among the molecules of a liquid is known as cohesive force. It is responsible for keeping the molecules together and creating surface tension in the liquid.

Does water changes from a liquid to a gas in the process of evaporation.?

Yes, evaporation is the process by which a liquid, like water, changes into a gas when heated. It occurs when molecules on the surface of the liquid gain enough energy to break free from the liquid's surface and become vapor in the air.