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If you are a patient currently in atrial fibrillation. Generally speaking an adenosine or lexiscan nuclear stress tests are usually the best options. The other medicated stress test is Dobutamine (both echocardiogram and Nuclear). You do not want to use Dobutamine on patients at risk to go into atrial fibrillation because it is a drug that can induce it. For patients that are in chronic atrial fibrillation dobutamine can be used but is not considered to be as diagnostic as a lexiscan or adenosine stress test. The reason being (and this goes or exercise stress tests as well) dobutamine is a heart rate dependent test. This means the closer the heart rate gets to the patients age predicted max HR the more accurate the test is at detecting Heart disease. The assumption in this is that the patient is in a sinus rhythm. Myocardial oxygen demand correlates directly with patients HR when the patient is in sinus rhythm. If the patient is in atrial fibrillation that correlation with myocardial oxygen demand becomes much more cloudy thus reducing the sensitivity of an exercise or dobutamine stress test with patients in atrial fibrillation. Both lexiscan and adenosine eliminate HR demands in detecting CAD which makes them the best test for a.fib patients.

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Q: Should someone with atrial fibrillation have a exercise stress test or a thallium stress test?
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Those who have atrial fibrillation should not be taking the triptan class of medications such as sumatriptan (Imitrex). Any person who has a prior history of heart condition should reconsider taking these drugs, but in clinical trials - the only people who had atrial fibrillation from the medication, were the ones who had a prior history of it. So, taking these medications can trigger this arrhythmia in those who already suffer from it.

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If patients with atrial fibrillation experience rapid heart rate (rapid ventricular response) and are hemodynamically unstable (hypotension, altered mental status) then electrical cardioversion is appropriate. Defibrillation is never utilized in atrial fibrillation.

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What is Atrial Fibrillation and How Can It Be Treated?

What is atrial fibrillation?Atrial fibrillation is a condition that occurs when the atria, which are the heart's top two chambers, begin to beat erratically. Thyroid problems, heart disease, high blood pressure and drinking alcohol all increase the risk of developing atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation does not always indicate something serious, but it can sometimes lead to strokes and heart failure if it is left untreated.What are some of the symptoms of atrial fibrillation?A racing heartbeat is one of the first symptoms that people with atrial fibrillation will notice. Other symptoms include: chest pain, lightheadness, shortness of breath and decreased blood pressure. Atrial fibrillation can be classified as being acute or chronic. People who have acute atrial fibrillation experience the symptoms every now and then. The symptoms may last for a few hours, but they usually go away on their own. Those who have chronic atrial fibrillation always have an irregular heartbeat.What are some of the treatments available for atrial fibrillation?A doctor will usually prescribe an anti-arrhythmic medication such as Beta Pace and Tambocor. These medications work by helping the heart maintain a normal rhythm. The doctor may also elect to perform a procedure called electrical cardioconversion. Electrical cardioconversion involves stopping the heart with an electric shock. When the heart starts beating again, its rhythm will be normal. A patient is sedated before an electrical cardioconversion is performed.What can be done to prevent atrial fibrillation?There are a few things that people can do to reduce their risk of developing atrial fibrillation. Caffeine and alcohol beverages have a tendency to trigger this condition. That is why the consumption of those type of beverages should be limited. It is also important to limit one's intake of salt and eat more heart healthy foods such as fish, fruits and vegetables. Exercise can also help prevent atrial fibrillation as well as improve the overall health of the heart.

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Can Horne goat weed be taken when you have atrial fibrillation?

If you have atrial fibrillation, you should not take supplements whose manufacture and contents aren't regulated by the FDA. Talk with your health care provider about options for handling any sexual concerns that you seem to have.