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The atoms in a water molecule are held together by covalent bonds; this means that the bonded atoms have formed a hydrogen bond between them, leading to a water dimer.

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Q: The atoms in a water molecule are held together by covalent bonds this means that the bonded atoms?
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What are atoms bonded together with covalent bonds?

When atoms are bonded together with covalent bonds, the result is a molecule.

Is Br2 ionic or covalent?

covalent because Br2 is just to Bromine atoms bonded together

What consists of two or more atoms covalently bonded together?


What consists of two nonmetal atoms bonded together?

Usually that's a covalent compound, and the representative particle is called a molecule.

How does a covalently bonded molecule holds itself together?

Covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing valence electrons.

In a single molecule of water the two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by?

covalent bonding

When atoms become bonded with covalent bonds the result is called a what?

a molecule

How many covalent bonds in a chlorine molecule?

There is one covalent bond in a chlorine molecule. The formula for a chlorine molecule is Cl2, which means that there are two chlorine atoms bonded together per molecule. The structural formula for a molecule of chlorine is Cl-Cl, in which the line in between the symbols for the two atoms represents a single covalent bond.

What is a combination of atoms bonded together?


What is the combination of atoms bonded together?

Its a molecule

What type of molecule forms when two molecules have an unequal sharing of electrons?

When two atoms are bonded together but have an unequal sharing of electrons the newly formed molecule is said to be bound by ionic bonds. This unequal sharing is due to differential attractions of the atoms in the molecule to the electrons.

A group of two or more atoms linked together in a chemical bond?

A group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds would be termed a molecule.