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attractive and weaker

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Q: The force between the nucleus and the outermost electron for the large atom is?
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Will Lithium Sodium or Potassium react the fastest?

As it has more electron shells between the nucleus and the outermost electron, and as group 1 elements react by losing there outermost electron, the more shielding effect between the nucleus and the electron, the smaller the force of attraction on the electron, so the more readily it will react as less energy is needed to break the bond between the outer electron and the positive nucleus.

What holds the nucleus and electron cloud together in an atom?

strong nuclear force. The nucleus is held together by both the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. The electron is bond to the nucleus by electro-static forces.

The electrical interaction between nucleus and the orbital electron is a force of?

there is nothing called as an electric electron revolves around a nucleus due to the electrostatic fore of attracion between the electron and the proton....any object , to undergo a circlar motion has to experience a centripetal force, which in the case of the atom is provided by the electrostatic force. Actually there is an electric force of attraction between the electron(s) and proton(S)

Why would an increase in atomic radius make it easier to lose an outer electron?

It's because as atomic radius increases, so do the number of electron shells. The full electron shells closer to the nucleus act like a barrier or shield that reduces the pulling force exerted by the Nucleus on the outer electron. Since the nucleus's pulling force is reduced, an electron on the outer shell can escape much more easily.

What attraction holds the electron in orbit around the nucleus of the hydrogen atom?

Magnetic. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is a proton, which has a positive charge. The electron has a negative charge Opposite charges attract so the negative electron is attracted to the positive nucleus.

Related questions

Will Lithium Sodium or Potassium react the fastest?

As it has more electron shells between the nucleus and the outermost electron, and as group 1 elements react by losing there outermost electron, the more shielding effect between the nucleus and the electron, the smaller the force of attraction on the electron, so the more readily it will react as less energy is needed to break the bond between the outer electron and the positive nucleus.

How does electron shielding explain why it is easier to remove an electron from rubidium than from lithium?

In rubidium, having a larger atomic radius, the attraction force between the atomic nucleus and and the electron from outermost shell is lower.

Why does valence electron give up outermost energy easily?

The force of attraction between the atom's nucleus and its valence electrons are the least. Hence valence electrons are lost easily.

What force must be overcome to remove an electron?

The electrostatic force of attraction between the positive nucleus and the negative electron must.

Which electron would be most easily removed from its path around the nucleus?

Nucleus exerts a force on every electron revolving around it. This force is inversely proportional to the distance between the nucleus and the electron. Therefore the electrons in outermost orbit (or shell) have the least nucleic forceacting upon them in comparison to the inner electrons. Therefore they are the most easily removable electrons.They are called valence electrons.

What keep the electron in motion around the nucleus to which it is attracted?

the inter nuclear force of attraction between the nucleus and electron keep it moving in a circular manner around the nucleus

What holds the nucleus and electron cloud together in an atom?

strong nuclear force. The nucleus is held together by both the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. The electron is bond to the nucleus by electro-static forces.

The electrical interaction between nucleus and the orbital electron is a force of?

there is nothing called as an electric electron revolves around a nucleus due to the electrostatic fore of attracion between the electron and the proton....any object , to undergo a circlar motion has to experience a centripetal force, which in the case of the atom is provided by the electrostatic force. Actually there is an electric force of attraction between the electron(s) and proton(S)

How ionization energy is decreased in a group?

Moving down a group, the atomic radius increases because energy levels are being added with each period. So the outermost electrons are farther away from the positively charged nucleus, so the force of attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electrons is less. So it takes less energy to remove an electron.

Why would an increase in atomic radius make it easier to lose an outer electron?

It's because as atomic radius increases, so do the number of electron shells. The full electron shells closer to the nucleus act like a barrier or shield that reduces the pulling force exerted by the Nucleus on the outer electron. Since the nucleus's pulling force is reduced, an electron on the outer shell can escape much more easily.

Why do force of attraction between nucleus and electrons decrease in alkali metal as increase in size?

As alkali metals increase in size, the distance of the outermost electrons from the nucleus increases. The attraction between the electrons and the nucleus is electrostatic, and it is a fundamental property of electrostatic attractions that the attraction decreases with increasing distance between the attracting charges. Another way of describing this is that the attractive force is partially "screened" by the inner electrons between the outermost electrons and the nucleus.

What force holds an electron in an atom?

The electromagnetic force. This is because the nucleus in the center of the atom is positively charged, whilst the electron is negatively charged, and an attractive force exists between them.