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Carbohydrates are the molecules made of sugar repeats. Starch, cellulose and glycogen are classical example for the same. They can be digested back to the monomers by the enzymes that catalyse the hydrolysis reaction such as cellulase or amylase.

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Q: These polysaccharide molecules called are made up of long chains of glucose molecules?
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What is the polymer of sugar?

A monosaccharide is the monomer unit of the carbohydrates. Two monosaccharide units combine to form a disaccharide. Many monosaccharide units combine to form a polysaccharide. Therefore, the polymer of a monosaccharide is a polysaccharide. An example of a monosaccharide is beta glucose, which polymerises to produce chains of beta glucose molecules (cellulose).

Difference between polysaccharides and oligasaccharides?

there are many differences, the most notable is the fact that a polysaccharide is formed from long chains of monosaccharides, which are essentially carbohydrates conjoined by glycosidic bonds. Sugars on the other hand are either mono, di, tri, or oligo, saccharide, but do not include polysaccharides because they are mainly used for storage purposes in organisms. (an example of a polysaccharide is starch). Polysaccharides are mainly separated from the "sugar" category due to their large number of chains of molecules.

The name of a very strong structural molecule in plants that is formed by hydrogen bonding between chains of glucose molecules?

This substance is cellulose.

What molecule is larger starch or sugar?

Starch is a storage polysaccharide and is therefore much larger than sugar, which is merely carbohydrate molecules. Starch is composed of long chains of glucose monomers linked to one another through different types of linkages. Starch shows a branched structure composed of two components: amylose and amylopectin, both of which are basically chains of glucose units. They way in which they are linked to one another decides their properties.

Which polysaccharide is most likely found in paper?

Cellulose is a component of a number of commercially available materials, including most kinds of paper. In addition, it makes up an essential component of plant cell walls. Cellulose is an organic compound which consists of multiple chains of glucose molecules strung together. Which in turn makes it durable and useful enough for paper.

Related questions

Cellulose type of carbohydrate?

Polysaccharide: polymer with long repeating chains made of glucose molecules

Can Active transport help starch molecules through a membrane?

Starch is a polysaccharide composed of branching chains of glucose molecules. There is no receptor for starch. There are however, receptors for glucose called GLUT1, GLUT2 and GLUT3

A starch molecule is like a?

Starch molecules are like chains of sugar (glucose). They can be entirely straight (amylose) or branched (amylopectin).

What enzyme acts on starches and turns it into sugar?

Amylase: Starch or amylose is a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) comprised of long chains of glucose molecules. The enzyme, amylase, hydrolyzes starch to dextrins (short chains of glucose molecules), maltose (disaccharide containing glucose) and glucose (sugar).

When plants store sugar they store it as a molecule made up of long chain of sugars called?

they are cellulose molecule.starches

Chains that contain only 2 glucose molecules are called?


What term is Carbohydrate with 10 or more sugar molecules?

Polysaccharide Terms for long chains of sugar molecules include: Polysaccharide, Amylose and Starch.

What is the polymer of sugar?

A monosaccharide is the monomer unit of the carbohydrates. Two monosaccharide units combine to form a disaccharide. Many monosaccharide units combine to form a polysaccharide. Therefore, the polymer of a monosaccharide is a polysaccharide. An example of a monosaccharide is beta glucose, which polymerises to produce chains of beta glucose molecules (cellulose).

The repeating unit of cellulose is?

large molecules make up of chains of repeating units are called POLYMERS.

What good are polysaccharide?

In animals, they are primarily energy storage molecules, although there are a lot of polysaccharide chains that do many extremely important jobs on the membranes of body cells. In plants, they are not only very important food storage molecules (starch), they also serve as structural materials (cellulose) and components in wood.

A carbohydrate forming the cell wall is what?

Cell walls are composed of cellulose, what is colloquially called "fiber". It is a polysaccharide made of glucose monomers. It has beta glucose chains contrasting with the alpha glucose of starch. Because of its bond structure, the chain is indigestible for most organisms and provides rigid support.

What are the similarities in glycogen starch and cellulose?

The similarities are fairly easy - all three of these molecules are carbohydrates, that means that it is made up of carbons, hydrogens and oxygens. A more familiar description is that carbohydrates are long chains made up of sugar molecules. Another name for carbohydrate is polysaccharide (poly = many, saccharide = sugar). So, you might ask, why aren't starches sweet? Well, the chains are so long that the taste receptors on your tongue can not register them.