

Best Answer

You think probable to ytterbium, terbium and erbium.

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Q: What 3 elements were named aftwer the same place?
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What three elements were named after the same place?

Einsteinium, Lawrencium, and Californium are three elements that were named after the same place.

What are 3 elements named after the same place?

Ytterbium, Erbium, and Terbium are all named after Ytterby, Sweden.

Elements named after the same place?

Yttrium, ytterbium, terbium, and erbium are all named for the Scottish town Ytterby, where they were discovered.

Why elements are place in a group?

Elements with similar electron configurations are placed in the same group.

What elements are named after geographic locations?

There are no elements named after places since an element is atoms which are all the same not a mixture of two types of atoms nor a compound which is more than three.

What is a element named after a place?

Assuming your question is What is a property of an element, elements have the same chemical properties no matter how small they are chemically divided. jeremy is not wierd he is awesome

Why are elements place in the same column of the periodic table?

They have similar properties, usually.

Who said that a given compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions by mass?

chemist named Proust

Elements are place in the same column of the periodic table because they share the same number of valance electrons.?


What are two of more elements that are in the same place but not chemically bonded bonded?

that is called a mixture

Is there a Place named -Goree in Ireland?

There is a place called Gorey, which has the same pronunciation as Goree, which is maybe where you mean. There isn't a place in Ireland called Goree.

Why is double displacement reaction so named?

It is so named because displacement takes place twise in the same reacion..... ANSWERED BY : Samridhi Kaushal