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Calamine Lotion - zinc oxide ZnO (with ferric oxide or zinc carbonate)

Quicklime - calcium oxide CaO

Milk of Magnesia - hydrated magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2

Washing Soda - sodium carbonate Na2CO3

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1mo ago
  1. Calamine solution: Zinc carbonate
  2. Quicklime: Calcium oxide
  3. Milk of magnesia: Magnesium hydroxide
  4. Washing soda: Sodium carbonate
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Q: What are the chemical names of calamine solution quicklime milk of magnesia and washing soda?
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Is quicklime base or acid?

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Is quicklime a base or an acid?

Quicklime (calcium oxide) is considered a base. When quicklime reacts with water, it forms calcium hydroxide, which is an alkaline solution.

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The color become red to brown.

Why calamine solution is applied on the skin when an ant bites?

Calamine solution is applied on the skin when an ant bites because it has anti-itch and soothing properties. It helps to reduce itching, inflammation, and irritation caused by the ant bite. Additionally, calamine solution can create a protective barrier over the affected area to promote healing.

What acid is calamine solution?

Calamine solution contains zinc oxide and a small amount of iron oxide, but it does not contain any acid. It is commonly used to soothe and protect the skin in conditions such as rashes, itching, and insect bites.

What is the effect of milk of magnesia on turmeric solution?

Milk of magnesia contains magnesium hydroxide, which can cause the turmeric solution to change color due to its alkaline properties. It may result in a shift from the yellow color of turmeric to a shade of orange or red. Additionally, the milk of magnesia may affect the taste and texture of the turmeric solution.

What is the effect of turmeric solution on milk of magnesia?

The color become red to brown.

Is milk of magnesia a acid base or neutral?

Milk of magnesia is a basic (alkaline) substance because it contains magnesium hydroxide, which tends to increase the pH of a solution by accepting hydrogen ions.

The formula for an anti itch lotion includes 15 ml of calamine lotion in a total of 60 ml of solution How much calamine is needed to make 90 ml of lotion?


What happens when you continually add milk of magnesia to a vinegar solution?

Magnesium acetate is obtained.

Is calamine lotion a soultion or a suspention?

Calamine lotion is a suspension. It contains particles of the active ingredient (calamine) suspended in a liquid base.

Which one is more acidic milk of magnesia or household amonia?

Household ammonia is more acidic than milk of magnesia. Ammonia is a basic substance, not acidic, while milk of magnesia is an alkaline solution often used as an antacid to neutralize stomach acid.