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In that case, scientists talk about different "allotropes". For example, graphite and diamond are different varieties of carbon - the same atoms, in a different arrangement.

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Q: What are the different forms o fan element in the same physical state but with different structures and properties called?
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What are the different forms of an element in the same physical state but different structures and properties?


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The number of neutrons is different; the differences between physical properties exists but are extremely small.

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Because the number of protons and electrons are different in each element, which means that their chemical and physical properties are different.

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The differences in chemical properties are not significant (excepting protium and deuterium); the physical properties are different.

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Correct.Although they are based on the same element (carbon) they have vastly different structures and atomic arrangements, resulting in very different physical and chemical properties. Such forms are known chemically as allotropes.

What is different about the isotopes of a particular element?

The number of neutrons in the atoms. This affect some physical properties.

Why do istopes have different physical properties but same chemical properties?

They have similar chemical properties because isotopes of an element have the same number of electrons as an atom of that element. The electron arrangement is the same owing to same chemical properties. However they have different numbers of neutrons, which affects the mass number. Mass number determines the physical properties such as boiling/melting/density etc.

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Why would you expect lithium and sulfur to have different chemical and physical properties?

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