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The different types of chemical peels include microdermabrasion and beta-hydroxy. The microdermabrasion helps treat acne and scars and the beta-hydroxy also treats acne and scars but has fewer side effects.

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Q: What are the different types of chemical peels for acne?
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What is a superficial peel?

Chemical peels are divided into three types: superficial, medium-depth, and deep. Superficial peels are used for fine wrinkles, sun damage, acne, and rosacea.

Are there any different types of acne?

Yes, there are many different types of acne and within each type of acne its severity can range from mild to disfiguring. Different acne are caused by different factors.

How do celebrities get rid of acne?

microdermabrasion or chemical peels. They are both available to regular public at a good skin care salon or dermatologist.

Is laser the only option for acne scar treatment?

There are other methods available for acne scar treatment that don't involve using a laser such as scar removal creams and peels. Some of these can be done at home but the more effective chemical peels are most often applied by a doctor.

Are there any new treatments for acne?

ANSWER:Yes, there are some ways to get rid of acne but I'd prefer you to see a dermatologist first. A dermatologist is a face doctor who will help you disqualify acne.ANSWER:There are a number of ways on how to treat acne scar and pimples:1. Chemical Peels or Acid Peels - peels off the outer layer of the skin, thus promoting cell regeneration. Types of chemical peels:- Alphahydroxy or AHA Peels- Betahydroxy or BHA Peels- Medium-Strength Peels2. Scar Removal Cream and Oils - these are topical creams that aid in the removal of acne scars.3. Natural Treatments - cheapest acne scar removal option because the ingredients can easily be found in your kitchen. For some, effect would be gradual depending on the type of acne scarring.Sample ingredients:LemonsTomatoes and cucumbersAloe veraIce cubesSandalwood and rosewaterFor additional information about acne scar treatment methods, check the links under the Sources and related linkssection below.

Are chemical peels harsh on sensitive skin?

Chemical peels may be too harsh for sensitive skins and those suffering from acne . There are some lighter options that can be used but if you already know your skin is very sensitive to things like lotions any peel might be harmful to your skin. You should consult a professional who is experienced with a variety of skin types to recommend what is best for your individual needs

What preparations are associated with chemical peels?

Preparation for the chemical peel begins several weeks before the actual procedure. patients use a mild glycolic acid lotion or cream.the acne cream tretinoin.hydroquinone cream.antiviral medicine.

Do children have different types of acne than adults?

"Usually children do not have or get acne, it's mainly an issue for adults and teenagers. Children do get breakouts, which are different from acne because of hormones."

Where can one out what acne is?

To find out what acne is, one could talk to their doctor or a dermatologist. There are many different types and causes of acne that can be determined by a professional.

What are some new acne treatments that can be used by teenagers?

The latest acne treatments for teenagers include antibiotics, Retinol therapy, chemical peels and light therapy. Not all these treatments will suit everyone so it would be prudent to consult a dermatologist for further advice.

Are the treatments for adult acne the same as for adolescent acne?

Most teens are able to use over-the-counter acne products containing benzoyl peroxide. For adults, this treatment may cause the skin pigmentary changes and cause the individual to look older. Adults may opt for cosmetic treatment such as microdermabrasion or chemical peels.

What are the differences between all the different types of acne?

Acne vulgaris is a specific term for the regular kind of acne, though there can be different levels of severity within the disease. Vulgaris is actually the Latin for "common."