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An atomic element are able to exist in nature with single atoms as their basic units. Most elements fall into this category and example is helium. He

Molecular elements do not normally exist in nature as a single atom but exist as molecules- two or more elements bonded together.

Most of these are diatomic molecules ( they exist in pairs in nature) N, H, O, F, Cl,Br,I and they will look like the follows in nature H2, Cl2 .......

the polyatomic are P, S, Se, such as P4, S8....

these elements exist primarily as diatomic or polyatomic molecules....

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11y ago
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13y ago
  1. Hydrogen (H)
  2. Helium (He)
  3. Lithium (Li)
  4. Beryllium (Be)
  5. Boron (B)
  6. Carbon (C)
  7. Nitrogen (N)
  8. Oxygen (O)
  9. Fluorine (F)
  10. Neon (Ne)
  11. Sodium (Na)
  12. Magnesium (Mg)
  13. Aluminium (Al)
  14. Silicon (Si)
  15. Phosphorous (P)
  16. Sulfur (S)
  17. Chlorine (Cl)
  18. Argon (Ar)
  19. Potassium (K)
  20. Calcium (Ca)
  21. Scandium (Sc)
  22. Titanium (Ti)
  23. Vanadium (V)
  24. Chromium (Cr)
  25. Manganese (Mn)
  26. Iron (Fe)
  27. Cobalt (Co)
  28. Nickel (Ni)
  29. Copper (Cu)
  30. Zinc (Zn)
  31. Gallium (Ga)
  32. Germanium (Ge)
  33. Arsenic (Ar)
  34. Selenium (Se)
  35. Bromine (Br)
  36. Krypton (K)
  37. Rubidium (Rb)
  38. Strontium (Sr)
  39. Yttrium (Y)
  40. Zirconium (Zr)
  41. Niobium (Nb)
  42. Molybdenum (Mo)
  43. Technetium (Tc)
  44. Ruthenium (Ru)
  45. Rhodium (Rh)
  46. Palladium (Pd)
  47. Silver (Ag)
  48. Cadmium (Cd)
  49. Indium (In)
  50. Tin (Sn)
  51. Antimony (Sb)
  52. Tellurium (Te)
  53. Iodine (I)
  54. Xenon (Xe)
  55. Cesium (Cs)
  56. Barium (Ba)
  57. Lanthanum (La)
  58. Cerium (Ce)
  59. Praseodymium (Pr)
  60. Neodymium (Nd)
  61. Promethium (Pm)
  62. Samarium (Sm)
  63. Europium (Eu)
  64. Gadolinium (Gd)
  65. Terbium (Tb)
  66. Dysprosium (Dy)
  67. Holmium (Ho)
  68. Erbium (Er)
  69. Thulium (Tm)
  70. Ytterbium (Yb)
  71. Lutetium (Lu)
  72. Hafnium (Hf)
  73. Tantalum (Ta)
  74. Tungsten (W)
  75. Rhenium (Re)
  76. Osmium (Os)
  77. Iridium (Ir)
  78. Platinum (Pt)
  79. Gold (Au)
  80. Mercury (Hg)
  81. Thallium (Tl)
  82. Lead (Pb)
  83. Bismuth (Bi)
  84. Polonium (Po)
  85. Astatine (At)
  86. Radon (Rn)
  87. Francium (Fr)
  88. Radium (Ra)
  89. Actinium (Ac)
  90. Thorium (Th)
  91. Protactinium (Pa)
  92. Uranium (U)
  93. Neptunium (Np)
  94. Plutonium (Pu)
  95. Americium (Am)
  96. Curium (Cm)
  97. Berkelium (Bk)
  98. Californium (Cf)
  99. Einsteinium (Es)
  100. Fermium (Fm)
  101. Mendelevium (Md)
  102. Nobelium (No)
  103. Lawrencium (Lr)
  104. Rutherfordium (Rf)
  105. Dubnium (Db)
  106. Seaborgium (Sg)
  107. Bohrium (Bh)
  108. Hassium (Hs)
  109. Meitnerium (Mt)
  110. Darmstadtium (Ds)
  111. Unununium (Uuu)
  112. Ununbium (Uub)
  113. Ununtrium (Uut)
  114. Ununquadium (Uuq)
  115. Ununpentium (Uup)
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11y ago

Natural or all? There are 90 known elements that occur on earth naturally. The total number of elements is unknown as we don't know how many transuranic elements can be produced.

The elements on the Periodic Table (as of 1959):

  1. hydrogen
  2. helium
  3. lithium
  4. beryllium
  5. boron
  6. carbon
  7. nitrogen
  8. oxygen
  9. fluorine
  10. neon
  11. sodium
  12. magnesium
  13. aluminum
  14. silicon
  15. phosphorus
  16. sulfur
  17. chlorine
  18. argon
  19. potassium
  20. calcium
  21. scandium
  22. titanium
  23. vanadium
  24. chromium
  25. manganese
  26. iron
  27. cobalt
  28. nickel
  29. copper
  30. zinc
  31. gallium
  32. germanium
  33. arsenic
  34. selenium
  35. bromine
  36. krypton
  37. rubidium
  38. strontium
  39. yttrium
  40. zirconium
  41. niobium
  42. molybdenum
  43. technetium, artificial
  44. ruthenium
  45. rhodium
  46. palladium
  47. silver
  48. cadmium
  49. indium
  50. tin
  51. antimony
  52. tellurium
  53. iodine
  54. xenon
  55. cesium
  56. barium
  57. lanthanum
  58. cerium
  59. praseodymium
  60. neodymium
  61. promethium, artificial
  62. samarium
  63. europium
  64. gadolinium
  65. terbium
  66. dysprosium
  67. holmium
  68. erbium
  69. thulium
  70. ytterbium
  71. lutetium
  72. hafnium
  73. tantalum
  74. tungsten
  75. rhenium
  76. osmium
  77. iridium
  78. platinum
  79. gold
  80. mercury
  81. thallium
  82. lead
  83. bismuth
  84. polonium
  85. astatine
  86. radon
  87. francium
  88. radium
  89. actinium
  90. thorium
  91. protactinium
  92. uranium
  93. neptunium, artificial transuranic
  94. plutonium, artificial transuranic
  95. americium, artificial transuranic
  96. curium, artificial transuranic
  97. berkelium, artificial transuranic
  98. californium, artificial transuranic
  99. einsteinium, artificial transuranic
  100. fermium, artificial transuranic
  101. mendelevium, artificial transuranic
  102. nobelium, artificial transuranic
  103. etc.
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8y ago

Examples are: Mo, Fe, Au, Ag, U, Th etc.

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Elements are arranged in the order of their atomic number on the periodic table.

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Mendeleev arranged the elements in the periodic table according to their atomic masses.

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The elements on the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

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Tellurium (Te) and iodine (I) would be in reverse order if the elements were placed in order of atomic mass instead of atomic number.

When elements are arrange in order of increasing atomic no is called?

The Periodic Table of Elements.

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elements are listed in the periodic table in order of increasing atomic number