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Q: What can you do with methane that doesn't damage the earth?
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Related questions

Why is an increase in methane more worrying than an increase in Carbon Dioxide?

methane is dangerous to our earth it can cause damage to our solar radiation that protected and minimize the heat of the sun. with this meathane it can cause harmful.

How does honeysuckle damage trees?

it doesnt

Why doesnt the earth run out of fresh water?

A relatively thin band of gasses surrounds Earth. This is the atmosphere. 78% of Earth's atmosphere is Nitrogen and 21% is Oxygen. The remaining 1%, known as "trace gases", consists of argon, CO2, water vapor, hydrogen, helium, methane, neon, etc.

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What earth resource is often use for energy soil limestone methane gas or igneous rock?

methane gas

Is there a difference between methane and methane ice?

Methane is just a general word for the substance, while methane ice is frozen methane, in it's solid form. It has to be quite cold for this to happen, it's a gas at normal earth temperatures and pressures.

Does Earth warm up?

scientests have been finding out that the earth is warming up by methane

Where is methane produced?

Methane is found in the Earth's crust. It is also produced by certain microbes and by cows during their digestive process.

How much damage does global warming cause?

methane gas and flooding are to main reasons

What will be the effect of methane on the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation on Earth?

Methane is a greenhouse gas and it absorbs infrared radiation that is remitted from the earth. As it absorbs the radiation it is stopping it from being re-radiated to space thus warming the earth.

What are natural resources you get from Earth and use as fuels?

Petroleum, coal, and methane.

What might have made up Earth's early atmosphere?

There was a lot of methane.