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Q: What cu fe pb mg al o n h are all examples of?
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What is Cu Fe Pb Mg Al O N H?

Cu- copper Fe- iron Pb- lead Mg- magnesium Al- aluminum O- oxygen N- nitrogen H- hydrogen

Among Cu Pb Fe Ag Al Mg Zn which metal tends to corrode more?

Among Cu Pb Fe Ag Al Mg Zn it is magnesium will corrode more because it is more reactive than the metals listed.

What common metal are transition elements?

Some examples are: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. .

How are Mg Fe K and Cu aliked?

All are metals.

Which Metals are used to make the colors in fireworks?

Examples: - Sr, Li as carbonates - Na, Cs, K, Rb as nitrates - Ca, Ba, Cu as chlorides - powdered metals as Ti, Al, Be, Mg, Fe etc.

What is the reaction between the iron and nitrat?

Fe + Cu(NO3)2 --> Fe(No3)2 + Cu

Which metal is abundant among Al Fe Cu Ti?

Abundant where? I assume this regarding the earth's crust. Al and Fe are pretty similar, Al being slightly more abundant. Ti is slightly less abundant still and Cu is markedly the least abundant. That said, abundancy doesn't necessarily dictate how easily isolated an element is.

What elements are four common metals?

1. Iron (Fe) 2. Copper (Cu) 3. Aluminum (Al) 4. Tin (Sn)

What is the best conductor Fe Cu Na Zn?

copper (Cu)

What are some chemical elements found in concrete?

Examples: Si, O, Al, Ca, Fe etc.