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Metals and nonmetals tend to form ionic compounds by forming ionic bonds when they combine.

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Q: What do non metals and metals tend to do?
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Is a non-magnetic a metal or a non-metals?

Magnestism in neither a metal or a non metal. Although metals tend to be magnetic while non metals ten not to be

Of metals and nonmetals which tend to form positive ions?

The metals and non metals which tend to form positive ions are cations. It is because of their electronic configuration.

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Do non-metals become positive or negative as ions?

It is possible to make positive ions of nonmetals e.g. oxygen, chlorine, by putting enough energy into them. They normally form negative ions when in a spontaneous reaction.

The atoms of which elements tend to gain electrons?

Non-ionized (stable) nonmetals, or metal ions.

Nonmetals during a chemical combinations tend to do what?

Non-metals during a chemical combinations tend to gain electrons. Metals in chemical reactions will tend to lose their electrons easily.

Which meterial not conduct the heat?

Non-metals tend to not conduct heat

What are the three major groups of elements on the periodic table?

The three classes of periodic elements are:Metals,that usually tend to lose electrons to form positive ions.Semi-metals or MetalloidsNon-metals,that usually tend to accept electrons to become negative ions.

Would metals or non metals tend to have a higher melting point?

Tungsten has the highest melting point of the elements and it is a metal.

Why do atoms of non-metals form anions?

Non metals tend to be at the Right Hand Side of the periodic table. They therefore tend to need to GAIN electrons to get a stable octet-noble gas configuration. Gaining electrons mean they become anions. The reverse is true for metals.

What block in the periodic table of elements tend to form Type II ionic compounds?

Metals and non metals have tendency to form ionic bonds. metals are present in group-1,2.Non metals are in group 15,16,17

What are clues for ionic and covalent bonding?

A metal bonding with non-metals tend to form ionic bonds, a non-metal that bonds with another non-metal tend to form covalent bonds.