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Atoms have atomic weight not molar mass.

Any atom-gram has 6,022 141 29(27)×1023 (this is the number of Avogadro) atoms.

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Q: What do the molar masses of any two elements contain the same number of what?
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By adding the average atomic masses of all elements in the compound.

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The atomic mass of an element is listed on the periodic table, generally below the name of the element. The molar mass of a molecule will be generally be the sum of the atomic masses of the elements that make up the molecule.

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Is defined as the sum of the atomic masses in the molecule?

This is the molar mass.

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What are the steps for calculating molar mass of compound?

molar mass is the atomic mass of the element. it's on the Periodic Table. you just have to add them up. unless you want to calculate the number of moles in a compound, in that case: moles = mass/molar mass

How do you find molar mass?

you need to find the relative atomic mass. without that, you can't find that information unless given to you. basically, molar mass is a mole. a huge unit, but if you have that one "mole" of hydrogen atoms, you will have a equivalent of 1 gram The molar mass is the sum of the atomic weights of elements contained in the molecule, expressed in g/mole.

What is the sum of the atomic masses in a molecule?

Molecular mass.

How do you calculate molar mass?

You multiply the molar mass of the component element by how many of that atom appear in one molecule. You add all the elements' masses together to get the molar mass of the molecule. For example, SO2 1 * mass of sulfur =32.1 g 2 * mass of oxygen =32.0 g 32.1 g + 32.0 g = 64.1 g