

What does a eraser smell like?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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An eraser smells like the mixture of rubber and plastic.

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No, it will melt and smell terrible.

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Why are your eraser shavings hot?

Friction between the eraser and the paper Your eraser shavings are hot because you rub the eraser back and forth inserting pressure. Just like if you rub your hands together. Your eraser shavings are hot because you rub the eraser back and forth inserting pressure. Just like if you rub your hands together.

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The eraser challenge stings like crazy and leaves a mark

What do you do when your eraser runs out?

When your eraser runs out, you can either replace the eraser with a new one or continue using the remaining usable portion of the eraser. If you don't have a spare eraser, you could use alternative methods like folding the corner of a clean piece of paper to create a makeshift eraser or using the end of a pencil.

Do pelikan erasers erase ink?

No, that's a myth. Google ink eraser to find out what a real ink eraser looks like.

What is the eraser poem?

The eraser poem the eraser poe the eraser po the eraser p the eraser the erase the eras the era the er the e the th t .

How many grams does a eraser weight?

Grams are not a measure of weight but of mass. So the question is like asking how many hours an eraser weighs!

How do you melt eraser shavings into one eraser?

This is a guess but my eraser just like melted (atleast I hope its my eraser) and its sticky, but it doesn't seem to stick to the paper so I'd imagine you could just pick-up them a push them together

how long is a eraser?

i mean there are some like 3 inches long but some erasers or like 6-8