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Which sub level the electron is in.

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Q: What does the second quantum number (I) describe?
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What does a quantum number describe?

n is the first quantum number. It is the principle quantum number. It refers to what energy level it is and will be one greater than the number of nodes in the orbital. l is the second quantum number. It is the angular momentum quantum number and refers to the shape of the orbital. ml is the third quantum number. It is the magnetic quantum number and it refers to the orientation of the orbital. ms is the fourth quantum number. It is the spin quantum number and refers to the magnetic character of the orbital.

What does the second quantum number (l) describe?

Which sublevel the electron is in.

What does the second quantum i describe?

Which sub level the electron is in.

What does the quantum number i describe?

Which sub level the electron is in.

What is a quantum number?

Four quantum numbers are used to describe electrons. The principle quantum number is the energy level of an electron. The angular momentum number is the shape of the orbital holding the electron. The magnetic quantum number is the position of an orbital holding an electron. The spin quantum number is the spin of an electron.

What is the definition of quantum number?

Four quantum numbers are used to describe electrons. The principle quantum number is the energy level of an electron. The angular momentum number is the shape of the orbital holding the electron. The magnetic quantum number is the position of an orbital holding an electron. The spin quantum number is the spin of an electron.

Which quantum number deals with shape?

The second quantum number, or "l" which describes the subshell (s, p, d, f, etc).

What does the third quantum number (m1) describe?

the specific orbital within a sublevel

What does the third quantum number (ml) describe?

The specific orbital within a sublevel

What does the second quantum number describe?

The specific orbital within a

What is the second quantum number for the electrons in the 4p energy sublevel of bromine?

The second quantum number (l) for the electrons in the 4 p energy sublevel of bromine would be 1.

What does the angular quantum number tell you?

The angular momentum number shows the shape of the electron cloud or the orbital. The magnetic quantum number, on the other hand, determines the number of orbitals and their orientation within a subshell.