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Position of hydrogen in periodic table

Position of an element in periodic table depends upon its electronic configuration and properties. Hydrogen resembles the elements of group I-A, IV-A and VII-A in some respects. Properties of hydrogen do not completely match any one of the above-mentioned groups. That is why position of hydrogen is still undecided.

Resemblance Of Hydrogen With Alkali Metals(Group I-A)

1) Like alkali metals hydrogen has one electron in its valence shell.


H (Z=1): K1

Li (Z=3): K2, L1

Na (Z=11): K2, L8, M1

(2) Both require just one electron to complete their valence shells.

3) Both hydrogen an alkali metals are good reducing agents.

4) Like alkali metals hydrogen can also form halides.

Explanation: Hydrogen:

HCl, HI.


NaCl, KBr.

5) Halides of alkali metals and hydrogen ionized in similar way in aqueous solution.


HCl (aq) è H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

NaCl(aq) è Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

6) Like alkali metals hydrogen can also form compounds with non-metals.






7) Both lose electron to form positive ions. E.g. H+, Na+

8) Alkali metals and hydrogen belongs to s block.


1) Hydrogen is a non-metal where as elements of I-A are metals.

2) Hydrogen can form both covalent and ionic compounds. But alkali metals only form ionic compounds.

3) Hydrogen can gain an electron to form H- ion.

4) Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature but alkali metals are solids.

5) Unlike Na+ or K+ hydrogen ion (H+) is unstable in water.


H+ + H2O è H3O+

6) Alkali metals do not occur freely in nature due to their high reactivity but hydrogen does occur.

7) Hydrogen occurs in diatomic state (H2).

8) I.P. of hydrogen is very high as compared to alkali metals.

Resemblance of Hydrogen with Carbon Family (IV-A)

1) Valance shell of hydrogen is half-filled like the elements of group IV-A.


H (Z=1) : Capacity of K-Shell =2 , no. of electrons = 1 , % = 50%

C(z=6) : Capacity of L-Shell = 8 , no. of electrons = 4 , % = 50%

2) I.P. and E.A. of hydrogen and carbon are comparable.

3) E.N. of H and Carbon family are almost similar. [H = 2.1, C = 2.5 , Si= 2.4]

4) Both show reducing effects.


CuO + H2 è Cu + H2O

SnO2 + C è Sn + CO2

5) Both combine with other elements through covalent bonding.



1) Carbon is tetravalent but Hydrogen is a mono-valent.

2) Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature but elements of group IV-A are solids.

3) Boiling and melting points of hydrogen is very less than that of the elements of group IV-A.

Resemblance Of Hydrogen With Halogens

1) Both Hydrogen and Halogens require one electron to complete their valence shell.

2) Both hydrogen and Halogens are non-metals(Except iodine which has partial metallic character).

3) Both hydrogen and Halogens acts as negative ions when combined with metals. 4) Their molecules are diatomic.

5) Like Halogens, hydrogen can also form both ionic and covalent bond.



NaH (ionic),

CH4 (Covalent)


NaCl (ionic), HCl

6) Both H and Halogens form compound with metals and non-metals.


Hydrogen :H2S [S=non-metal]

Halogens : HCl [H = non-metal]


1) Hydrogen has one electron in valence shell while Halogens has seven electrons.

2) Electronic configuration of H = 1S1,

Valence shell electronic configuration of Halogens = nS2, nS5

3) Unlike X- ion, H- ion is unstable in water and reacts in the following manner.


H- + H2O èH2+ OH-


Hydrogen is the only element which has no neutron in its nucleus.


Due to above reasons it is clear that hydrogen cannot be placed in any one of the above mentioned groups.

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Hydrogen is located at the top left of the Periodic Table in Group 1A. It shares some similarities with Group 1A elements like having one valence electron, but it also shows unique properties such as the ability to bond with both metals and nonmetals, unlike other Group 1A elements. In comparison to Group 4A elements, hydrogen is a nonmetal just like carbon, but it behaves differently in terms of reactivity and bonding properties.

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Was the first element on the periodic table of elements carbon?

NO!!! Hydrogen (H) is the first element on the Periodic Table. Reason Atomic No. = 1 Atomic mass( of protium) = 1 Carbon lies 6th position. Atomic No. = 6 Atomic mass = 12

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Potassium and sodium belong to the same group of elements on the periodic table, known as the alkali metals. They both have one electron in their outermost energy level, giving them similar reactivity and properties. These similarities arise from their electronic configurations and position in the periodic table.

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Hydrogen is the first element because it has the simplest atomic structure with just one proton in its nucleus. This makes it have the smallest atomic number, which determines the element's position in the periodic table.

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Hydrogen Atomic No. (Z) is '1' No. of protn is '1' No. of electrons is '1' Atomic Mass of the protium isotope is '1' In the Periodic Table it is found in position Mo. '1'. NB Hydrogen has three isotopes #1 protium ; 1 proton , 0 neutrons , 1 electron (Atomic Mass '1'). #2 deuterium ; 1 proton , 1 neutron , 1 electrons ( Aromic Mass '2') #3 tritium ; 1 proton , 2 neutrons, 1 electron ( Aromic mass '3').

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