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Henry's law because as the pressure increases during a dive, the solubility of oxygen in the blood also increases proportionally.

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Q: What gas law explains why air contaminants are more dangerous when the total air pressure is higher?
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it depens on the pressure exerted on the walls of the pipe , a higher press. is always dangerous

Why is it dangerous for human dive deep into the ocean?

there is higher pressure the deeper you travel into the ocean. this pressure is detrimental to health. also breathing is an issue.

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Boyle's Law explains how the water pressure increases as you hold your breath. For example, the deeper a diver goes, the higher the pressure and the harder it is to hold your breath.

What species of fish would likely contain the highest levels of contaminants?

Sport-caught fish and predator fish such as shark, swordfish, and king mackerel tend to have higher levels of contaminants. You should assume that the fish with the longest life before analysis has the most contaminants. Mercury in fish works this way. Animals higher on the food chain tend to (but don't always) concentrate contaminants from its prey. Also, bottom feeders like catfish, which are found in waters on nearly every continent, would have more contaminants.

Does air pressure decrease as you move from the base to the top of a mountain?

Yes, because there is less air above you. This also explains why the higher you go, the more you become short of breath.

A cool region underneath cloud cover will have a region with no cloud cover and a higher what?

a higher pressure thana higher density thana higher pressure thanwill have a higher densitya higher air pressure thana higher density than

Which of the following best explains how airplanes stay afloat?

An areoplane stays up by creating a higher pressure underneath the wing than there is above the wing when air is forced over it.

What is the opposite of getting?

The opposite is staying sober and not allowing foreign contaminants into the system in order to reach a "higher plane".

Peer pressure can be intensified by the existence of?

It can probably be intensified with people under the influence of alcohol to pressure people, or under the influence of drugs even perhaps. Those factors seem to be the higher the risk of peer pressure. Whenever something dangerous like that is involved, peer pressure usually heightens.

Blood pressure is higher in veins than arteries?

No, pressure is higher in the arteries.

When you get higher what happens to air pressure?

Air pressure decreases as you go higher.

What factors affects pressure?

There are two factors that affect gas pressure. These factors are temperature and volume. Higher volume means lower pressure. Higher temperature means higher pressure.