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group 3 to group 12 elements

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Q: What groups of elements does block d contain?
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What groups of elements does the d-block contain?

Transition Metals group 3 to group 12 elements

Which element is a d block element?

The d-block of the periodic table is often referred to as the transition metals. They are:ScandiumTitaniumVanadiumChromiumManganeseIronCobaltNickelCopperZincYttriumZirconiumNiobiumMolybdenumTechnetiumRutheniumRhodiumPalladiumSilverCadmiumLutetiumHafniumTantalumTungstenRheniumOsmiumIridiumPlatinumGoldMercuryLawrenciumRutherfordiumDubniumSeaborgiumBohriumHassiumMeitneriumDarmstadtiumRoentgeniumCopernicium

What groups of element does the d-block contain?

Transition Metals group 3 to group 12 elements

What groups comprise each block of elements in the periodic table?

s block elements: groups 1-2 d block elements: groups 3-12 p block elements: groups 13-18

How many groups or columns are in the periodic table?

Omitting the f-block elements, there are 18 groups in the periodic table. Groups 1 and 2 contain s-block elements. Groups 3-12 contain d-block elements and groups 13-18 are made out of p-block elements. The only exception is helium is named under group 18, being a noble gas.

Group 3-12 contain metals known as?

elements in groups 3-12 are transition metals

What are elements in groups 3-12 on periodic table?

They make up the d-block and are the transition elements.

Which groups of elements are transition elements?

Elements located in groups 4 - 12 in the modern periodic table are considered as transition elements. Transition elements should not be confused with the d-block elements which are from groups 3 - 12.

Is elements in the s and p blocks of the periodic table called transition metals?

No the p block of elements does not contain transition metals. The lowest energy level to allow d orbitals is not the fourth energy level.

How do the properties of the p-block metals compare with those is the s-block or d- block?

transition metals have electrons in d orbitals that take part in bonding. T the s and p block elements have no d electrons that take part in bonding, the bonding electrons are all in s and p orbitals. The period 3 and above s and p block elements do have empty d orbitals that take part in bonding.

Which category contain the most elements?

D - block contains most elements.... ie,from 3rd group to 12th group

What are groups 3 to 12 called in the periodic table?

transition metals or d-block elements