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nothing yust instead of having Fe you have FeO or Fe2O3

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Q: What happens to the atoms of iron when iron rust?
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Which element in iron rust?

There is 1 Iron atom and 2 oxogen atoms in Iron rust.

What two kinds of atoms are rust made out of?

Rust is a compound of iron and oxygen.

How many atoms in rust?

The most abundant compound in rust is iron II oxide or Fe2O3 which has 5 atoms.

Will iron react with oxygen to produce rust?

Iron will react with water and oxygen to produce rust. Essentially water has oxygen atoms in it so as long as iron is in contact with water, it will rust.

How many atoms of iron are in one molecule of rust?

Rust is generally thought of as a compound of iron and oxygen. So, there are two types of elements in rust. Additionally, because iron is a metal and oxygen is a non-metal, those two elements combine ionically, so it is incorrect to consider a representative particle of rust a molecule. It is accurate to refer to it as a formula unit, or simply a particle.

When does iron oxide?

when oxygen atoms mix with it and it begins to rust

When iron reacts with oxygen to form rust each iron does what?

When iron reactions with oxygen to form rust, the iron atoms, Fe reacts with the oxygen atoms, O2 to create iron (III) oxide, Fe2O3.4Fe + 3O2 -----> 2Fe2O3Or2Fe + 3/2O2 -----> Fe2O3

Is rust made of atoms or molecules?

Rust (Iron-III oxide) is an ionic compound formed from iron atoms and oxygen atoms. We don't refer to an ionic solid as being a molecule, though, we represent the solid by its smallest building block. In this case, we represent iron (III) oxide as Fe2O3.

How does rust affect magnets?

Magnetism is the "lining up" of atoms. Iron atoms line up easily and tend to stay lined up. Rust is iron plus oxygen plus space: since there is less iron in a given volume of rust than in the same volume of solid iron, there are fewer iron atoms present to be polarized.

What happens to iron with oxidation?

After oxidation iron is transformed in oxides.

Iron and oxygen atoms bond to form rust?

Yes, it is correct.

Why is the change from iron to rust considered a chemical change?

The reason that rust is considered a chemical change is because the "connections" or the bonds of atoms are changed in the process. When atoms "rearrange themselves" by changing the "connections" or bonds to allow different compounds to be formed, as is the case with the formation of rust, a chemical change has taken place. In iron, the iron atoms are arranged in a metallic crystalline matrix. When rust occurs, oxygen bonds to the iron atoms (which where not chemically bonded to anything before) to create an oxide of iron.